Mimicking Krishnamurti

We are talking about relationship. I can’t explore our relationship on my own. It takes two of us. Again, this is a simple, obvious fact. Where do we begin to explore our relationship? I don’t know. But I have found out it takes two.

We cannot live without relationship on this earth. We are related to everything, not just two. Even when we talk alone we are at the same time related to everything else. And if you are alone you are related to whatever you live in. You can explore that relationship with nature. So why do you want to explore relationship with me? What is that drive you are coming with here?

Probably because human relationships are far from natural. You and I can change this fact, a fact which surely we don’t need to argue about. Or we just carry on living with the fact that we are happy to destroy one another.

In talking to you now I have found out why I am here. You have given me the reason. But what happens next is also up to you.

A new thread, mon ami? Or shall we linger here awhile?

So would you agree that we are not starting with the not knowing but that we know human relations need to change? And we know that because we experience it and observe it around us? So now how do we face that question of necessary change? We would have to find out what human relationships turns it into not natural and destructive, would we not? We have to understand it. And we cannot understand it if we face it already with conclusions or any knowledge as that is only limited out of the past. So do we meet without any bias? Do we meet with a mind that explores? Is there just exploring in this relationship between us?

By the way that would also mean to leave everything that K said at the side as well as everything other people said. Then would we start with the not knowing, would we not?

The Rehearsal,

Apparently, there is a new docu-COMEDY series called The Rehearsal. I have not watched any episodes (not financially able to pay for the HBO series), but am just looking at a preview of this series online. Obviously, it is entertainment; however, having said this, it is obvious that the creator of this series has had a partial insight into how people are apt to rehearse their lives, and pretend their lives. One writes this being fully aware of the fact and extent to which the human brain is the brain of all humanity. And this comedy show (partly scripted) illustrates the extent to which almost every human being is caught in an exercise of intellectual rehearsal. So, one is not saying that mimicking through intellectual analysis is good or bad, just saying that it isn’t reality. It is interesting to note how the intellect is forever striving to replicate and reach whatever it thinks that reality is, without ever really being able to enter into that field.

That’s right. These are the essential questions. A trapped mind searches for freedom. A noisy mind searches for peace. A frightened mind searches for security. What is the quality of the mind that explores? Is the exploring mind searching for anything?

Right, is the exploring mind searching for anything or is it just exploring because it wants to find out if change is possible? So how do we proceed. Do we meet in this way that we explore without searching? And if so where do we start?

Did you know that the word ‘explore’ originally meant ‘to utter a cry’? The Latin root is plorare. So what makes us cry? When we look at the world, what makes us utter a cry’?

Doesn’t death deserve its own home thread?

Destruction. The obvious fact that humans fight each other and destroy each other and the earth. The lack of living together. The existence of war on all levels and the ongoing suffering and pain.

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It is not as we would like it to be?

Death is in every thread (OMM mani padme Humm - Namaste!)

Rubbish comparisons.

How can you meet when you’re in denial about being in a box?

If you were not in your box, you wouldn’t be here emulating K. You’d be done with the teachings, free to “meet” with millions of people rather than the few you spend so much time with here.

When we look at the world, what makes us utter a cry?

So it may be a cry of self-pity or it may be a cry from somewhere else, not necessarily a self-centred cry. Also, we may cry out with joy at times. Suppose for the moment that it is a reaction of self-pity because I have lost something or someone dear to me. Have we ever watched what happens within us at these times?

Yes, its own show. How shall we advertise it? What could the hoarding or the playbill say? Don’t we need a catchy little title to bring in the crowds?

Why do you suppose and conclude that it my be self-pity? Let us find out. Fact is there is suffering, destruction etc… Let us find out why it is there and if change is possible. Let us start with the fact and understand it.

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What truth, you are too abstract and what I call guru minded.

I am very familiar with self-pity. I am sure we all are. But have we ever truly watched it? After all, we are identifying suffering and destruction. But who is the identifier? He may be biased. That’s why I am suggesting we start here and look at what actually happens when we go through a painful emotional response.