Mimicking Krishnamurti

You seem to be stuck in telling mode. That’s foolish, isn’t it?

Sorry you’re right it doesn’t fit in. Should have gone somewhere else.

First it is about how we meet, with which mind and why do we meet at all? Why are we here?

Don’t you want others to tell you who you are? Is that not what we do. The priests tell you who you are the gurus the psychotherapists they all tell you who you are. And that is why you go to them. Out of confusion we seek answers from others.

I don’t know. Do you? Or together we find out why we are here. This is what I am getting at.

Tell me if I am being rude. Tell me if I am hurting you. That’s fair enough. I shall tell you the same.

The priests tell you who you are the gurus the psychotherapists they all tell you who you are. And that is why you go to them. Out of confusion we seek answers from others.

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It is not about seeking answers. We are finding out what is happening in our immediate relationship. That’s all. The rest can go to blazes.

You assume that there is a relationship between me and you. There may not be. We may be relating to the image that we have built about each other. That is not relationship.

That’s exactly what I am talking about. We have an immediate and superficial relationship simply by the fact that we are both here. We have a unique opportunity to explore if there is anything else apart from the superficial images.

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And where are you taking yourself with that truth? Are you using it as a means to try say someone is wrong, which it seems like you do every chance you get? The problem with communicado on a forum like this where we talk about big ideas, is that it doesn’t force us to actually participate. We can say, attack or do whatever we like based on what we feel because there’s no consequences for being lazy. It’s in the back of our minds, it could be considered practically unreal

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I always listen carefully to what you say! Ditto for everyone here. But the extent to which my judgement/bias is suspended varies. Most of the time, my ‘critical filter’ is set to high. Which has its benefits, but one nasty disadvantage: It keeps me separated, maintains my clinical distance.

Death and dying is about something other than time.

Let’s explore!

Yes, as you have made abundantly clear, but I’ve yet to see any of this miraculous meeting of minds you go on about.

Please tell us why you keep exhorting us to “meet”. DId you have an experience that changed your mind so profoundly that you’re obsessed with it?

I am not here to tell you or correct you,that is your problem not mine.

How can you meet when you have already decided that you are in a box and that you are so determined to stay in it? Be happy in your box - I have already said this - and I am leaving you to it.

The good old excuse: ‘This is your problem.’ Grow up, sir, and meet the adults. Until then, like Inquiry, be happy in your kindergarten. You can’t have it both ways. So I leave you to it.

Wannabe krishnamurti my ass, lol. Everything you and examiner say is egocentric idiocy. You don’t come here to ask, you’re here to answer, right? Does that ring a bell? If you’re gonna blatantly be an ass, ignoring the truth of the futility in violence, then I figure you could stand a taste of your own medicine. (Instead of me pretending to play nice). Paul has proven himself to be a thousand times more insightful than both of you combined, so stop trying to belittle. I say that as an outside observer, and I say it for all the unfair judgment you’ve attempted to cast but can’t quite live up to. If you wanna be mr. assert yourself then LEAVE. Krishnamurtis teachings aren’t for you, maybe you should try listening to Dick Cheney the politician instead.

You do not know, why you are here? That sounds foolish. I am here because I want to explore something with people who like share that exploration. And the need for exploration comes from the topic we are confronted with and what we observe in daily life in relation with us humans, nature and the world in general. If you do not know why you are here, why should you be here? What makes you to come here? If there would be nothing which drives you to be here you simply would not be here. Do not pretend to be something you are not.

Yes, but underneath the wish to explore with people there may be other much deeper wishes. There may be immense loneliness. There may be fear. There may be a dozen other things lurking in the shadows. We may be coming here to escape all of that, not really to face it, by looking towards some ideal of enquiry. So we may be here only in order to maintain a safe distance between ourselves, happy to explore abstract topics away from the pain of actual relationship. Does this sound foolish now to say I don’t know why I am here? Because the truth of why I am here may be quite a shock to me. Indeed, it has to be a shock because the truth is never what I think it is.

The truth emerges or reveals itself as we go into this together. A relationship with another human being is a living, moving and changing picture. We can employ certain images to find our way but at some point we also have to find out if we can go beyond this reliance on images.

There may be other things underlying. Yes, we can find that out. But why do you want to find that out? And why do you want to find that out with others? You can do that on your own. But still you start with the knowing. You know why you are here. And can we start there and not with the abstract of not knowing. You know why you are here. So why? Why do you want to find truth, whatever that may be? What is your drive? Because if there would be no drive you would not be here? And even if it is just the wish to explore we might then find out that exploring is something else than what we think it would be.