Is there a real normal in any invented organized society?

What sense does it make that a finite machine learns something in the psychological field? And no, this question does not imply the opposite, namely that there is something eternal there that is the one that learns.

p.s.: I don’t know why the ‘smart’ forum software decided on its own that this post which is a reply to @danmcderm , was also a reply to @Dano :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging:

I agree. We cannot trust sentimentalism because the self is the producer of sentiment, sacrifice, austerity measures, detachment as well as attachment. Harsh tuning out of life, as well as ambitious austerity programs, that dry up the feelings lead to death. A Buddhist monk factually turned his body to a stone like statue to turn off his feelings, and his emotional reactions in life and died . That harshness is not from intelligence or compassion. Both as well as the pureness of others, the choiceless joys come in silence and travel in awareness and are not separate qualities. Innocent children exhibit those qualities. Empathy is not wrong, it is not the path to compassion. Destroying the self and its feelings and empathy to gain something allegedly greater is an activity of the ambitious self not the activity of inquiry . Learning cannot happen unless mistakes are also part of the learning process. Experimentation is flawed when it is biased to find an answer that supports belief rather than the truth which negates all desires, and does not condemn pleasures. Nor does compassion put aside reasoning to keep attached to a left right or center belief. Altruistically believing in any project the self takes on the brain will pay attention to self projections, direct images that support all or nothing beliefs when it comes to the self and its existence as conditioned experience, and positive thought using memory to justify every belief. Using a personal experience to justify prayer has no real truth in that justification. As if creation favors selves that pray and does not favor those that pray, or do not pray for the same things universally. Creation does not save your life for praying or bargaining , and take others lives away for not praying , The whole juvenile concept of so called divine favoritism is absolutely wrong.and can only reside in immature human beings. Psychological Freedom cannot be earned, bought, seduced, or the result of a system or a practice.

So, according to you, what Krishnamurti and all those between the two, who have talked about human nature after all this time (including yourself), is also irrelevant, right?

If you don’t mind, I think it would be interesting if you could share with us how you have achieved such clairvoyance that you are able to see what each and every human being inhabiting this world has achieved or not… On the other hand, you could also tell us if it is that clairvoyance that makes you say that there has not been/is not another Buddha in the world, or if it is because you are simply waiting for the media to tell you if such a Buddha exists or not, and since they have not said anything yet, he does not exist.

Your wonderful clairvoyance again or is this just mere speculation on your side?
By the way, what is religion?

Since ‘most’ implies that there are others not included in this group, could you tell me which group they belong to? And if you don’t mind, which of these so-called groups are you supposed to belong to, if I may ask?

No one has EVER divided mankind, except mankind itself with its ignorance and fears.

How many of those books ‘that never produced one single original religious human being’ have you read, including those by Krishnamurti and other so-called religious people that you have considered could teach/show you something, and which, if we go by what you say, have not produced any change in you either? Why haven’t they?

How easy it is to speculate about others, isn’t it @Dano ?
What did you choose to die as?

p.s.: as I have already said in some forum post, one does not fool the world, one ONLY fools oneself. Are you one of those who deceive themselves?

Believing A book on psychological matters about what any person that was not the author said? Do you mean we should believe the root of all ideological division and ignorance on earth is true? Don’t believe me on that either. In the case of Jiddu Krishnamurti he was the author, and speaker and he said do not believe in me either. See and sift, truth out and understand things for yourselves conditioning is a divisive a poison in the human brain and mind. Is that not sane reasonable and obvious to you as well?

Buddha if his position was somewhat understood, did not believe in Buddhism.nor would he be a Buddhist himself today. Do not believe in superstitions, self projections only reasonable technical things you can see working or real for yourselves. A place you have never been can be a reasonable belief if many are there or have traveled there. A place no one on earth has ever been, even after we die is childish malarkey. An organization formed on ancient gossip, and passed on hearsay, is a pyramid scam

Well, let’s see together what you’re actually saying…

First you say…

Which simply means that you yourself acknowledge that it is not possible to know what Buddha said at all, since he was neither the author, nor the speaker of those texts.

But then you speak of Buddha’s position, doubting whether it was somewhat understood…

Would you care to explain how you can know what Buddha’s position was if you do not believe at all in any source about it, arguing that they are all mere imagination of authors other than Buddha himself? Do you perhaps have the power to travel back in time and thus personally attend his talks to know his position first hand, or is it perhaps that you yourself actually believe in those “books on psychological issues about what anyone other than the author said” that you dare to tell others that they should not even look at them?

On the other hand…

Are you trying to tell us that deep down you are just another believer? :thinking:

Anyone in history who said do not follow anyone find your own way psychologically obviously would not join an organization, that said join support and follow us and believe in us and we will guide you through life. Deep down i am a human being with no psychological beliefs and no inner hierarchical structure to support, nor do I psychologically belong to any nation, or religion, or political party. I am an inquirer nothing more nothing less.You or I would be stupid to say we do not believe in Greenland just because we might not have ever traveled there?

Thanks for confirming that deep down you are a mere believer.

By the way…

An inquirer simply inquires with others, knowing that he could be wrong… not caring at any time to acknowledge that he was wrong.

So this :point_down: , as you have said above speaking of Buddha…

Deep down i am a human being with no psychological beliefs and no inner hierarchical structure to support, nor do I psychologically belong to any nation, or religion, or political party.

… is totally irrelevant, unless you want to find out the truth or falsity of it with the other.

Have you not asked the question why have your ideas become more important than action, not mine or others? That we need another for us to discover anything true is the whole problem of authoritarian rulers in power assuming their knowledge and ideas, religious or political can help others when they have not even helped themselves in the first place to understand the hierarchical illusory structure of themselves. Believing you,I or others can pass on real wisdom to others, so they can be wise in life is not wisdom at all it is pure ignorance when someone says my father in heaven forgives you or my god loves you. .

Wisdom cannot be taught it must be part of the whole process of self understanding, inquiring, and learning in life that wisdom, and acquired knowledge, and personal experiences from previous conditioning, does not produce wisdom. Nor does stored knowledge give us the ability to appreciate wisdom from others or think critically for ourselves or doubt our own so called authority ?

Especially when it comes from others own insights and understanding even when expressed by other human beings. Human beings that expressed certain things that ring us. Understanding words of wisdom from their fellow mankind. Aligned because they understand their deeper true meaning and can point to things that others can do for themselves. Things like doubt their own societal upbringing and beliefs. Doubt in authoritarian ;leaders, at the top of any pyramid cult, nation, or hierarchically organized religious scam. Doubt ideologies without seeing things for ourselves. Not seeing through the beliefs, the ideas, the influence of others, is factually what an original life is all about. .

There is not any living human being on earth, unless they are a vegetable or dotard, that can make the statement. I do not believe in anything, a true assertion in life!!!, When alleged and posited by anyone that is a false statement, or achievement of any human being, using thought in life. . In fact true non believer, or true believer, are both oxymoron’s. There is no such thing . .

What does it mean “to believe”?

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You are thought. Realize it. That’s the observer is the observed realization, the first and only step.

re: “There is not any living human being on earth, unless they are a vegetable or dotard, that can make the statement. I do not believe in anything.”

You are mistaken. I haven’t believed in anything since 1972, 52 years ago. I know there’s a country called ‘Russia’, even though I’ve never been there. You might define that as belief, but it’s not.

What does it mean to believe “in something”?

Aside from the dictionary I will give you the legal definition in court. A witness was asked if the guilty party was in the courtroom. The witness responded by saying Yes sir your honor I believe he is. The judge responded by saying you either know they are the defendant in this case. And can point them out in this courtroom, or you are not sure, and only believe they might be the the perpetrator, or accused defendant Which is it? I hope that helps. All psychological religious beliefs are founded on a superstition about a mystical rewarding and punishing mystical agency, or those who reject superstition, and believe in nothing.

Nothing behind the source of all creation? Most atheists only reject the manmade traditional religions and their juvenile responses to serious questions. An admitted atheist most likely never consider anything .alive in the now, that has nothing to do with organized thinking, and manmade invented fanciful ancient destructive thought, as a poison that enslaves the masses.An agnostic is someone who says I don’t know the source of creation but it is not anything organized religion is selling. A child can tell you that. Ponder on these things for yourselves.

You do not know there is a country unless you heard about it from someone else. Knowing and believing are so close even you do not know you rely on beliefs less logical than believing in Russia? Russia is a place where millions live that you have never seen or set foot in so it is a reasonable belief. I know and I believe are two different states of being .

What does it mean to believe in science, to believe in knowledge, to believe in time, to believe in the past, to believe in destiny, to believe in what is false, to believe in the truth, or to believe in the unknowable unknown?

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if one was To naively believe in everything? It would mean you are extremely naive and ignorant human being or a damaged child. Or a horribly scammed destroyed human being. Just trying to believe in everything unproven ever invented by thought? Some of the things would mean in hundreds of thousands of Gods, in all the tales told about virgin mothers. In all the saints, Martyrs, Monks, and Guru’s. In every scamming master that ever lived. It would l include all the fables told on earth. It would include myths about Adam and Eve, myths about witches warlocks, Noah, Moses, Samson, Delilah, Abraham, David, and all the demons, including Santa Claus, and Buddha, and Jesus, and every thing you touch feel smell, and see personally and every noun, verb and word in every language on earth. . What do you think it would mean? .

We could ask : what is it like to believe? How does it affect us? Is it a bit silly and harmful?

If you believe that x is true (for example: something obviously true) and I believe that x is not true. Why is there violence, why is there pain?

What I get that what K was trying to get across is that humanity can see, touch the truth but we are caught in time psychologically…caught in ‘becoming’. He gets into this with Bohm in the first few talks in the series titled ‘The Ending of Time’. The ‘truth’ or ‘ground’ lies beyond our psychological knowledge, experience, beliefs that have formed the framework of the ego center. And creates the divisions between us.

I think you are saying @danmcderm that what we know is part and parcel of the central self that must be protected.