So, according to you, what Krishnamurti and all those between the two, who have talked about human nature after all this time (including yourself), is also irrelevant, right?
If you don’t mind, I think it would be interesting if you could share with us how you have achieved such clairvoyance that you are able to see what each and every human being inhabiting this world has achieved or not… On the other hand, you could also tell us if it is that clairvoyance that makes you say that there has not been/is not another Buddha in the world, or if it is because you are simply waiting for the media to tell you if such a Buddha exists or not, and since they have not said anything yet, he does not exist.
Your wonderful clairvoyance again or is this just mere speculation on your side?
By the way, what is religion?
Since ‘most’ implies that there are others not included in this group, could you tell me which group they belong to? And if you don’t mind, which of these so-called groups are you supposed to belong to, if I may ask?
No one has EVER divided mankind, except mankind itself with its ignorance and fears.
How many of those books ‘that never produced one single original religious human being’ have you read, including those by Krishnamurti and other so-called religious people that you have considered could teach/show you something, and which, if we go by what you say, have not produced any change in you either? Why haven’t they?
How easy it is to speculate about others, isn’t it @Dano ?
What did you choose to die as?
p.s.: as I have already said in some forum post, one does not fool the world, one ONLY fools oneself. Are you one of those who deceive themselves?