Is there a real normal in any invented organized society?

I like or I don’t like what is Happening. . I should or I should not do something now to change the past or future. That duality is causing all the problems of innerly divided mankind. All the division we are facing right now is about solving problems not learning about them. That is all in the field of becoming. Becoming has invented all the so called problems and the resistance to them, the how to live rightly but not the ending of them or the understanding of why mankind keeps repeating the same historical problems. .

So fear of not being is much worse than being not a thing? Fear is the real problem? Not a thing is capable of learning, inquiring, adapting, experimenting, and making mistakes, admitting them without shame. Not a thing psychologically and not wanting a foundation of belief is living differently, and adapting to a changing world. Is it not? . Fear is not capable of doing those wiser things included in not becoming , and more easily adapting to a flowing moment to moment changing world. We must adapt or no longer exist as a species? No plan A will ever work universally because all our plans, and goals are divisive invented illusions. They are all taking us back to the past for our untrue answers to questions like why are we addicted to repeating the past psychologically? If we are? Is that fear?

For humanity to survive and thrive in a sane, decent way there will first have to emerge a group that is ‘free’, free from the past, the known. They will cooperate with each other to identify whatever pitfalls freedom contains. They will see clearly that for mankind in its present state that, “the house is burning”!

That we do not see it now because of our ignorance based on our conditioning does not mean that our particular suffering ‘is not the universal suffering of all of conditioned mankind’. To look at suffering is not to look at our particular suffering, but at Suffering (with a capital S), which is neither yours nor mine, but shared with all our fellow human beings.

They do not march ‘you’ towards planetary destruction and World War III, because they are absolutely nothing without ‘your’ ignorance that supports or rejects (yes, rejection is the other side of the coin of ignorance) the (supposed) intentions of all those you mention plus all others of whatever sign and country, who have preceded them throughout time. Do you see this?

I’m not seeing what you mean - why is my suffering not the same as everyone else’s suffering?
Earlier you seemed to say that we are our suffering ie our psychological experience of national, religious, and personal identity and division - but at the same time this suffering is not mine.
What is the difference between the personal suffering that I experience and the general suffering of society?

I don’t understand what you are saying here : can you say what you mean by “realisation in myself, leaving others alone”?

A lot depends on what we mean by “seen” - if we really, truly, honestly accept death (for example because we can no longer accept being the source of suffering - maybe we have “seen” this intellectually and are revolted by the idea) - then in the acceptance of death we must necessarily experience the total absence of fear.

If we have “seen” (as in actually experienced) a reality without the veil of suffering, surely we can no longer believe that suffering is essential?

In a word, to look at it - not to understand it…

We look at things all the time, but when, if ever, do we understand anything?

Obviously, we don’t understand the self, why we imagine ourselves and others. So, apart from understanding mechanisms, physical principles, anything that can be explained, we understand nothing that can’t be reduced to words and images, thoughts.

We are bound by and limited to thought until we’re reminded by a flash of insight how isolated we are from actuality.

This is what understanding the situation may mean: the brain for whatever reason has isolated itself through thought’s dominance and the creating of a ‘thinker’ apart from itself. An observer. The thinker or observer judging the situation desires an end to the ‘false duality’. The thinker wants to be free, to experience an end to suffering and to touch another dimension etc. With these desires, the thinker sets up a drama of finding a way out of its enslavement, to be free. But since the thinker, the ‘me’ doesn’t actually exist, this ‘tempest in a teapot’ continues endlessly.

Until, that is, it is clear that the conditioned brain is caught in thought, and freedom is just one of the many things thought knows nothing about.

You are somewhat wrong about that idea of universal ignorance… If I torture you it is your suffering not mine and not universal suffering. Also my ignorance is your ignorance as well if you are talking about the ignorance of mankind? . Ignorance is personal as well as universal. saying to someone you do not know that their ignorance leads to war is a long shot if you do not think your ignorance leads to war? Or you divide and the others do not divide or visa versa? only false idea’s as beliefs divide us. Only ignorance calls others ignorant for no real reason except to divide them and their thoughts and lives from ourselves for some wrong not friendly reasons If we are technically smart and conditioned psychologically as a divided mass we are still ignorant. .
. .

Let me ask this: does insight/awareness understand? What do you think?

Does awareness understand? I do not think awareness is the source of understanding any more than the ocean is the source of sea life. Or air is the source of the Earth. Awareness is the living movement of reality. The movement or ocean of life. Without choiceless awareness, there is no life to receive insights, intelligence, wisdom or understanding in the ever flowing now, of real time beyond the ability of memory to capture stop or fathom and predict accurately as a previously known predicted historical event. An event from the past that thought can point to as the result of our present actions as a species. The real fundamental future is unknown as are any fundamental reasons for any living species to exist and survive. If survival of our species, is a fundamental great plan or achievement of divisive ideological memorial thought? Then the cockroach is projected to be the end survivor.

Death decay and destruction is the end result of traditionally divisive poisonous propaganda Thoughts greatness, and longevity in time, in ignorance and real legacy on this planet, as one of the greatest strongest surviving non moronic not immature, conditioned juvenile species on earth is assured if propaganda and reconditioning schools are not put in museums and ended. The species that survives in ignorance will not be mankind in all their filthy nationalistic insane warring masses. the species destroying our own mother earth, as general brainwashed ignorant immature and backwards thinking mankind is lower in demeaning awareness,living as a programmed mostly unaware species trapped in ancient programming, than all the animals, and living creatures on earth. .

Awareness is the field that the timeless creativity of all life travels in, not the source of life, or foundation of life itself, only a movement like a great ocean where memory is never able to live or understand the meaning of all life or ever live in that awareness. Memory is dead to life, living, and awareness. Memory is never going to be alive or a living thing that is aware. Memory is a reaction that projects an entity that believes it is alive and not a reproduction of a more ancient living entity, a copy of an ignorant human being in the past that was also living, and projecting a juvenile immaturity, a copy themselves from a more ancient superstition riddled being in the past also projecting a self image from memory. We are actors on the stage of life preferring our own poisonous divisive warring programming, as copies of others from the past. Products from the past, reproductions, are not aware, not original, and mostly not alive. Ponder on these things for yourselves. .

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So now that science seems to have proven what Buddha already said some 2,500 years ago without any need for brain trepanning, can we say that Buddha did not lie to us about the underlying ignorance that leads to human suffering? :thinking:

What Buddha said or did not say as an original teacher is irrelevant since the Buddhists are as trapped mentally in thought time and as divisive and belonging to many different sects themselves, that have never produced an original human being with all their invented systems and false training centers that have never produced another Buddha? Never have any traditional religions on earth ever produced an original religious human being and only copies of human beings from the past…

Most of us are sheep believing in the organizations, the schizophrenic kept leaders in the pyramid scams, in the organized programming systems, Systems of taught thought that divided mankind and claimed to represent the living truth in their screwed up conflicting horrible books. Books that never produced one single original religious human being in thousands of years. Ponder on these things yourselves you were not born to be gods, or great leaders and Buddhas, you were born to be originals and maybe you too are choosing to die as a copy of someone else from the past.

Ah, I see… so let’s look at it together and see if I’m ‘somewhat wrong’ or not:

Oh, but weren’t we looking at psychological suffering? :thinking:

Unless you are enlightened, yes… your ignorance is my ignorance, and that of the rest of our fellow human beings living on this planet.

Would you care to explain why this duality? … I listen to you.

Telling someone that ignorance – which is not his or mine, but fully shared by all of us – leads to war is simply hypocritical if one has not first seen clearly and without judgement all the wars to which one’s own ignorance constantly leads.

Yes… from the very moment one says to another “your suffering is not my suffering” (or vice versa), one is already divided from the rest of humanity.

No, only he who has clearly seen his own ignorance speaks, not of the ignorance of others, but simply of the ignorance that pervades all human beings, including him/herself… and of course for a real reason.

My experience of reality is a product of memory projecting my reactions and emotions to that experience. My reaction and assessment of reality, my feelings and opinions are all manufactured from memory, and my predictions even if close to reality are from self projections not any real future reality.

There is no such thing in the entire world as psychological enlightenment. You I and others will never be enlightened because all psychological beliefs in enlightenment are talking about a fixed memorial traditional religious belief about self becoming, and psychological human perfection. A non provable, self assessed not sane state of a so called high and mighty being with their heads up in the clouds and their feet on the ground, and the same shitty authoritarian thoughts in their factually unlearning petty little ambitious and aggressive minds.

If we grant that the brain is doing its best to keep us safe by projecting images of what may or may not occur in some future moment (fear, dread, worry etc.) then there has to be an investigation into the appropriateness of those emotions / sensations. Are they patterns from the past that have never been examined or understood, that happen mechanically, that create needless suffering?
The ‘understanding’ is to stay with them when they occur without judgement or condemnation. To ‘learn’ about them?

Learning, understanding implies an actor… so, who’s that actor if i may ask?

You don’t think the brain can learn and understand?