David Moody, from his blog titled ’ Krishnamurti and Mental Telepathy II’
"Another incident bears upon the theme of Krishnamurti and mental telepathy. This incident occurred in his final days when he was confined to his bed in Pine Cottage. He had been conducting two or three meetings with trustees of his three foundations — America, England, and India — in order to finalize his wishes regarding which foundation would hold the copyright to his work.
At that time, I was serving as director of the Oak Grove School, and living with my wife in the upstairs apartment of Arya Vihara, on the same east end property where Pine Cottage was located. I knew that these meetings were taking place, but I was not sure who exactly was attending, or what was being discussed. It was clear, however, that something of grave import must have been on the agenda, in view of Krishnamurti’s illness and the people who had come to be with him at that time.
As a result, I felt I should have been included in these meetings, and wondered why I was not. I felt uneasy about it, left out, and disappointed. However, I didn’t discuss my feelings with anyone, not even with my wife.
Then one morning there came an opportunity to visit Krishnamurti by myself. The moment I walked into his room, as soon as he realized it was me, he said, rather emphatically, “Sir, don’t feel excluded!” It was so immediate, and so out of the blue, that it took me a minute to realize what he was talking about. Then I said, “How did you know?” And he said, “Oh — I can feel it.”
This all happened so suddenly when I entered his room that it could not have been based upon anything he observed at the time, such as my tone of voice, my demeanor, or anything else. Not two seconds had elapsed from the time I came into his room until he said, “Don’t feel excluded!” There is no doubt that it was something he had been aware of prior to my visit.
In her memoir, Mary Zimbalist reports a few other instances of a somewhat similar nature. I am inclined to be skeptical about stories of this kind, but, in this case, I was a witness to something incontrovertible."