An objective Krishnamurti biography

Please forgive me, ‘Inquiry’ i had to look up the word sycophant, i am not too familiar with it. You used it in regards to Mary Luytens, but now that Krishnamurti is dead and no longer with us physically, are there still K sycophants or was that only during his physical lifetime when people were able to try to gain favors or get something from him? Do you feel most around K when he was alive were sycophants? I am trying to understand this better.

And lastly, some have said that David Bohm was psychologically dependent on Krishnamurti, and that is part of their so called falling out, that Krishnamurti did not like that Bohm was so dependent on him? I dont know if any of this is true, but i have read this.


So i keep reading reviews of books about Krishnamurti but cant make up my mind if i want to invest more money and time into reading about him, if it is necessary or not at this point. Since i read so many books about Krishnamurti already.

Besides the Dalal book, i still am contemplating the one by Mary Zimbalist which is titled the Unfinished Book or something like that, Mark Lees World Teacher, Michael Mendizzas Unconditionally Free i believe it is called, CV Williams bio on K that Ken mentioned, Professor Krishnas book Jewel on a Silver Platter, etc

It is odd to me that this is a site dedicated to this person Krishnamurti, and no one seems interested in reading Roshen Dalals bio or any of these other Krishnamurti books. Oh well, it is what it is.


“I” read Mary Zimbalist’s book, “In the Presence of Krishnamurti” - Mary’s unfinished book, which if I recall: I liked very much; have one word for it - gossipy. :slight_smile: She kept a journal, and went through it having her mind and memory jogged by Scott H. Forbes. I met her, she was delightful and friendly - warm, affectionate, very observant.

CC, glad to hear you read Marys book. The reviews are mixed, but ‘gossipy’ is a word that comes up a lot describing it. I think that book from what i can tell from the reviews is either you love it or you hate it, there is no in between.

Mary was one of the closest people to Krishnamurti and knew his daily, private life, so that in itself, should make most of us Krishnamurti interested people to read her book. I like physical books, and this book is very expensive to buy, the kindle version is reasonable, so we shall see.

I am sure Mary was a beautiful person and you were lucky to have met her. And yes, probably very observant, after being around Krishnamurti so much, she had to be attentive and observant, or else he would let her know :slight_smile:

Scott Forbes has very kindly made available online, at no charge, the memoirs of Mary Zimbalist at the following site. I believe much of this material went into her book. It’s a massive amount of material to wade through, but it is interesting.

Thanks Ken for the picture of Mary, and for the information regarding Scott Forbes material on Mary Zimbalist, I will indeed check it out, so thanks for sharing this.

Will we ever know the truth of someone telling something abouth someone else?

At the same time by reading different descriptions one get an more balanced impression of what it was like!

I found for example David Moody’s book ‘An Uncommon Collaboration’ a good counterpoint for ‘Infinite Potential’.

The surge for truth was in David Bohm’s whole life present, may we judge him about his never gaving up?

Isn’t Krishnamurti asking us to do just just the same?

I know first hand that he had a sort of telepathic connection with some individuals.

To know this “first hand” means to have had a “telepathic connection” with K himself. What you know first-hand is what “some individuals” told you about K.