Why most Brains don't see the truth?

It seems that an average Brain doesn’t distinguish between an image and a reality…

What makes the Brain to accept falsehood over truth needs to be investigated.

Why do some brains produce an abundance of neurochemicals that produce sensations of love, while others produce only a trickle? Why do some brains produce memories of previous lives? Why do some brains see remotely, in different locations? Why is there such variation in human brains?
Love and the Brain | Harvard Medical School

Children Who Report Memories of Previous Lives - Division of Perceptual Studies (virginia.edu)


Jiddu Krishnamurti: Truth is a Pathless Land
Brain is contioned.

It would also be interesting to see the brain scan of those who say they see the world as undivided, no division.

K spoke about a mutation in the brain, which today could be interpreted as “new neural pathways”. Watch this short video of a brain scan demo those new connections being made.
Neural Connections [How Thoughts Work] - YouTube

Enquiring into new possibilities like “the observer is the observed” and “there is no division” etc, can create new neural pathways or ‘mutations’ in the brain? We can ‘discover’ a new ‘truth’ in new neural connections that are different than the ones formed in childhood and that may have shown an incomplete or even erroneous view of oneself and the world?

By enquiring into these matters, say, looking for connections where division has been assumed to be the only possible case: thinker / thought, observer / observed, etc, creating new thought pathways in the brain, might lead to the arising of insights that reveal a world of “no division” that K claims, is the fact?

Why isn’t Brain conditioned to be self-correcting?

It is self-correcting, apparently. Watch the above video on Neural Connections {How Thought Work}

Brain and Mind? Both are conditioned.I will say :Silence is the Answer.

…to the question, “What transforms a brain limited to thought to an unlimited brain”?

But the “life” of the limited brain is incessant thought, and it doesn’t want to “die” because the prospect of being more silence than sound (thought) is inconceivable, and the limited brain is conceptuality itself.

The brain is more than a thinking mechanism, but when it is conditioned to be no more than a thinker, a conceptualizer, it cannot conceive of what more it can be, and can’t find out without exceeding its limit, itself.

Why most Brains don’t see the truth?
It is because the brain seeks security and permanency. Ideas and images offer permanency.
But truth is not permanent nighter it is secure.

There is most likely an evolutionary advantage to seeing the world through images: better problem solving, faster response to danger and other challenges, more efficient work. But high evolutionary fitness and high quality of life aren’t necessarily synonymous!

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Yes, at the very least, accumulation of knowledge within a world experienced as a relationship between a central character and the objects around it, offers us the possibility of interaction over time (as opposed to blind, immediate response to stimuli).
The story of the images can be utilised to our advantage (but of course there’s more to worry about - the drama can cut both ways)

Behold, the human mind!

(Would make good T-shirt.)

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Assuming one is familiar enough with “blind, immediate response to stimuli” to make the comparison.

The conditioned brain knows only “a central character and the objects around it”, and we know how this has played out “over time”.

I was thinking primal reflexes, rather than choiceless awareness.

Nothing contained in the environment around myself, nothing that I can perceive through my senses, has a name by itself and without a name I cannot produce an image of the thing I am perceiving because I do not know what it is; therefore, I name the things that I perceive, and by naming them I produce their image, and it is by means of their names that I relate to their image, not to the things. Thus, without names I have no images, no concepts, no ideas, no theories, and no knowledge.


If the brain sees that observer is the observed image, thinker is the thought, subject is object, then it is paralysed, it is not moving.

For example, fear. Fear like any thought is a movement, a movement away from what is.

We are generally in constant psychological movement. The movement is psychological judgement. Thinker separate from thought, observer separate from observed image, me separate from you.

Even in discussion, people are judging in reaction, in separation. Me and You.

If observer is observed psychologically. That is observer is observed image, then is there judgement movement or only silence.

What is habit? Habit is also movement in separation. Desire is movement in separation. I want to possess something or get something psychologically. It is separation.

So our psyche operates in separation.

If observer is observed image, thinker is thought, you are fear for example what happens? Is there then psychological separation? Is there this movement based on separation? Or there is only silent awareness, passive awareness, listening, perceiving without the movement containing images.

You say something bad about me. I listen silently. In that silence which is not movement of thinker, not movement of self as psychological separation, as there is no self, there is no reaction, there is no one who gets insulted. There is no me vs. you, but silent awareness without separation

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I think it is crucial to understand difference between awareness and thought.

Let’s take difference between mindless action and mindful action.

Mindless action is habit without awareness.

Mindful action is action out of awareness.

Surfing mobile phone, social media is mindless action for example. It lacks awareness. It is chain of reactions. Social media like Facebook video, YouTube shorts, Instagram is designed for mindless surfing. It is designed for reactions.
Reaction is of thought which is basically unaware. It is conditioning and habit as reaction.
Habit is in area of reaction, thought.

Awareness is not in the area of habit, not in area of reaction, not in area of thought.

What is then mindfulness or awareness? It is breaking this chain of thought, reaction, habit, conditioning.

If we keep reacting in thought, it is the same chain of reactions. Reaction leading to another reaction and so on.

Breaking this chain is awareness or mindfulness.

To not indulge in more thought is breaking the chain.

In it there is awareness. In this, if in the mind certain feelings, thoughts arise, there is no reaction but just awareness without reaction of thought.

Like clouds of thought or feeling moving in sky of awareness.

But this awareness happens only if there is no reaction of thought, no reaction of thinker. It is choiceless awareness without thinker, without reaction as thought.

Chain has then broken.