To think is to love

K: " Whereas when you lose all distinction, thought is love, to feel is to think; every thought becomes completed in emotional awareness, and every emotion is wise, rich in thoughtful awareness…To think is to love.…:" June 1932, Ojai. See Kinfonet Meetups, Krishnamurti: From the Start, Download “lifeandindividuality.pdf” page 74


K’s usage of words- description- evolved over the years.
In later years he found the proper words & was putting things quite differently, precisely.
Earlier reality meant truth I believe but after talks with Dr.Bohm reality he described as the prevailing position & actuality as truth.
You need to read most books in later years to get a proper grasp of his message.

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conclusions are for the faint of heart - even pearls handed down from on high should be left amongst the dirt

still its nice of him to leave to leave little hints that evil is not in the things. Dogma is not the goal.

He changed from describing freedom to questioning the human condition

I don’t think K was befuddled at the vibrant age of 37. He sounded very much in love with life. By the time he met Bohm at age 85, he was waning. But I think he was still talking about the same things using new terms.

How might Krishnamurti in his eighties have said the same thing with “new terms”?

FASCINATING TEXT - I am Speechless

Describing a process or state of being, K’s Kingdom of Happiness 1927, minus a few components, morphed into Choiceless Awareness 1936, 1977, 1982.

They first met in the early 1960s. Their first recorded meeting was in1965. Even at this later point, K was only 70, not 85.

Maybe like this…

What Krishnamurti means, perhaps, is when you are free of distinction, all is love: thinking, living, feeling, perceiving, emoting, dreaming. Everything is sacred.


This is one thing conditioning is very good at, it drives us to attach meaning to anything we see or hear.

In being attached to ‘my’ dead things: thoughts, feelings, experiences, opinions, etc….and as well as ‘my’ thinking now, I create the division between ‘me’ and you. Between ‘me’ and the world.

I don’t know why “distinction” is supposedly a problem. We’re aware of how the whole is composed of distinct, discreet entities, and how if we couldn’t distinguish one thing from another we wouldn’t be able to do anything but gaze at what amounts to nothing.

And maybe that’s the ultimate: nothing.

If our gaze doesn’t inform us about our environment, we won’t survive.

To see things as they are to see these thoughts as thoughts, and stop all division forget about oness and no. Duality and all the rest of it. The delusion and conflict created by ego, but love cant be forced through will, effort, some system or type of past condition method, some thing or thought, but it is there, in the non attachment of what is… What is?

? is distinction ment to be understud
? how does distinction look like when it arises

Hermann, I think when K said “when you lose all distinction” he was referring to the separate self. Years earlier, K told of this experience when he lost all distinction as a separate self:
"“On the first day while I was in that state and more conscious of the things around me, I had the first most extraordinary experience. There was a man mending the road; that man was myself; the pickaxe he held was myself; the very stone which he was breaking up was a part of me; the tender blade of grass was my very being, and the tree beside the man was myself. I almost could feel and think like the roadmender, and I could feel the wind passing through the tree, and the little ant on the blade of grass I could feel. The birds, the dust, and the very noise were a part of me. Just then there was a car passing by at some distance; I was the driver, the engine, and the tyres; as the car went further away from me, I was going away from myself. I was in everything, or rather everything was in me, inanimate and animate, the mountain, the worm, and all breathing things.”

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? how does distinction look like when it arises

The distinction is already made in recognizing and naming.
There is a division, for instance, into good (love) and bad (thinking), into me and you.
The distinction arises in naming.

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The ‘distinct’ self is only a partial, conditioned reality. The actuality, is that we are the world.

It could have been this experience, revelation, insight…that he was referring to when he said “no one got it”?