The young brain is conditioned by experience to retain what it doesn’t understand until it is able to. The young brain is learning, but life is throwing lessons at it faster than it can meet them adequately, and it can only store them up for when it is able to learn what lessons they teach.
The brain learns by examining what it doesn’t understand until it begins to understand that its ability to understand is the foundation of everything it is, every retained experience and everything it imagines, desires, and fears.
The brain that is learning is developing the ability to understand what it wasn’t ready for when it began storing up significant experiences. But if the brain is not learning, its stored significant experiences are the limits of its ability to understand, and this arrested development renders it unable to do anything but orbit these experiences until/if it understands why they are there.
Or to put it another way, what I couldn’t understand then and still don’t understand now, is my center, and until I understand, the center holds and I cannot be free.