very well said @Inquiry
- when the “do not push my buttons” are pushed, I go into a trance, which is the past wanting to wake up as future/becoming.
very well said @Inquiry
To quote Bob Dylan,
“You never understood / It ain’t no good / You shouldn’t let other people / Get your kicks for you”
It is not vanity but Truth. Thought is the entertainer. We can’t live without entertainment these days like K lived without . We all have damage brains from the education which are based on thought.
Thoughts are a chain of reactions. At any moment reaction to reaction can stop. Say someone says something to hurt, if there is no reaction to it, it does not continue. If there is reaction, chain will continue. At that moment, if there is no reaction of thought, but silence of mind that is not reaction, chain is broken. Same way if there is passive awareness which is not reaction of thought but silent awareness of whatever is happening both inside and outside, chain is broken.
K’s teaching is very simple but because we give so much importance to thought in life, it is difficult. For thought it is difficult, otherwise it is very easy as nothing is to be done as thought. Life is not thought, it is not mechanism of thought. But unfortunately for society, media, organised religions, education systems, life is thought.
When does this happen? Why is no one feeling hurt ? Whats the backstory? or does this sort of thing happen all the time?
In this story what has happened to the ego and emotions of the person that doesn’t react?
No it does not happen all the time. It happens when thought does not act as ego.
Our actions in daily life generally come from thought and not from silence. That is our conditioning. We feel silence is not important but thought is important to live. Once we see importance of silence that is not thought, may be action will be different at that moment. But generally you will hear thought is important for survival. It is silence that is important for survival. Silence can then express itself using thought only as a means of communication and is without thinker as me or ego. There is no division in that expression.
Why is this so? If the brain/ mind understands this, it will not allow endless unnecessary thinking to occupy its space. But it does. So why is silence rather than ‘chatter’ necessary, compulsory for the brain / mind?
Thanks for replying.
Dan is asking the same as me. Which is still the same initial question : what has occured that silence has become more important than thought?
Why are the things that seem so important, suddenly not important? why is what I want no longer important? what has happened?
To some extent we see directly in daily life that thought is bringing about destruction both of oneself and outside. Thought being unintelligent and destructive.
First step was listening to K. We got to know at least verbally that there is a different way of living without deterioration.
Then in daily life we became aware of deterioration due to thought. Then we question whether thought is the only way of life. If we then directly experience silence and see what it is, we can clearly differentiate that thought destroys and silence unites, brings together. If we discover compassion what does it do?
Your response to this question remains the same : seeing the problem of thought and seeing the wonder of silence, solves the problem.
But the question also remains the same : what provokes this seeing?
Maybe we can put the question thus : what is the difference between someone who directly experiences silence, and someone who listens to K for years, but who remains stuck in thought as their only tool to deal with themselves?
Maybe it would help if you could give an example of “directly experiencing silence” and why this experience now takes precedence over thought/knowledge/desire.
Also is this “discovery of silence” a one time event like finding buried treasure on a desert island or is it always only in the moment? Noisy thought is a ‘thing’, silence is not a ‘thing’. Does its ‘image’ abide in memory or must it always be ‘found’ anew, fresh, in the moment?
Is Silence like space, always everywhere, but unheeded, unappreciated? Always present in, under, around, the stream of thought? Discovery of its presence then is becoming aware of the thought that is ‘obscuring’ it and not reacting to the thought but staying with the silence ‘involved’ in it and letting the ‘unnecessary’ thought dissolve.
I guess each has to find out directly in daily life what is action out of thought and out of silence. Like K can only be a trigger for enquiry but each has to find out directly.
I feel it is only in the moment. It is there when it is there. It is not there when it is not there. It has no continuity but only in the moment.
It depends on why “there is no reaction”. The intention to hurt matters more than whether the attempt to hurt succeeds or fails. I don’t have to feel hurt to be interested in with why someone tried to hurt me.
Thoughts are a chain of reactions.
Not always. Practical thought is not a chain of reactions, and most of the thinking we do is practical thinking.
Same way if there is passive awareness which is not reaction of thought but silent awareness of whatever is happening both inside and outside, chain is broken.
Yes, and this goes on naturally every day. Psychological thought reacts and practical thought does not react but responds practically.
K’s teaching is very simple but because we give so much importance to thought in life, it is difficult.
Thought is important. We can’t function without it. The problem is not that “we give so much importance to thought”, but that we’re not interested in how and when psychological thought creates and sustains confusion and conflict. We’re so unclear about the difference between psychological and practical thought that we mindlessly fuse them together, remain confused, and try to compensate by pretending to understand what’s going on.
Life is not thought, it is not mechanism of thought.
Obviously, but our species is more dependent on thought than any other species, so thought plays a critical role in being human. When we don’t really understand how thought works and how we abuse it, weaponize it, we are a danger to ourselves, every other living thing, and the health and well being of the Earth.
There is no such thing as practical thought. Thinker is psychological. You can call it practical but it is psychological. For a soldier killing is practical, it is psychological.
You can continue to try to use thought to solve fear, sorrow, loneliness, hate, greed, desire, habit. It won’t work.
Thought is not silence. It is as simple as that.
You might believe that there is only thought because thought does not know silence. But there is a silence which is not thought.
Fact is that there is neither thinker nor thought. Both are illusion.
At one stroke the entire structure of illusion is demolished.
There is no thinker as thought. No thinker becoming. Becoming as thought. There is no chooser, decider, doer. Only naturalness. Nature is not choice but space in which something arises without choice of thinker. Like your heart beats without choice of thinker, without mechanism of choice of thought. As there is no choice, there is no past or future, but only flowering of present in space.
‘Thinker’ maybe but the process of thinking itself? Is one’s heartbeat an illusion? The digestive system?
Saying that thinker and thought don´t exist, that it is an illusion.
How do i find out that the your saying isn’t an illusion as well?
Is this a topic?