Refresher for Understanding K's Life and Teachings

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So your house is on fire and you are quietly entertaining yourself by watching a video about the life of the builder and why he built it this way and not another way in the living room of your burning house?

What significance does that have if I may ask?

Reality check–my house is not on fire. I watched the two videos years ago, and was happy to see them again. Just sharing with the forum.

As a reminder, K frequently entertained himself with movies, fiction books, and evening news.

Oh, I see! Thank you! :+1:

I’m not going to be duped into a sense of urgency for something I have no control over, being 1 of more that 8 billion on this planet. It is was it is.

May I know what authority has told you that you must control the situation of “more than 8 billion”, of which you are only an “insignificant” grain of sand? … Just curious. :thinking:

Probably one is referring to the teachings of K (since we are on Kinfonet) and the urge of changing, the only posdible revolution.
One may ask then: where does authority come into being? Authority in the sense of “I know and you do not”.
I cannot imagine with all I’ve got in me that the teachings are dealing with this kind of “authority”.
Would be interesting if we would go into the “problem,” of authority, because I guess that we all are familiar with it.


My selfishness has total authority, my experience seems to me to be the unquestionable truth.

How can it be otherwise? My brain creates my reality.


My question is : what is evil?

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The patterns in the brain that constitute the ‘me’…patterns of fear and conflict of thinking and feeling. Acquired in childhood and reinforced through life, never really questioned, never really ‘confronted’, accepted as ‘normal’…allowed to poison and darken the life.

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Why are we saying that me is evil, I am evil?

Is it because I am the cause of suffering? Is it because I am at odds with everyone’s wellbeing? Is it because my suffering is all important, and that yours is merely inconvenient? Or your wellbeing is only important if it serves me?

Maybe we can ask : surely I am not all bad? Do I not have any redeeming features?

Usually we say I am necessary for my survival.
We accept that evil is necessary because it keeps itself alive.

One can be a decent, caring, thoughtful human being depending on one’s conditioning…but as long as there is a self image, a me and mine, the function of the brain as a potential receiver of a different ‘dimension’ is rendered impossible. What could receive the ‘light’, be one with the ‘light’, is forced to remain in the dark…that, it seems to me, is the evil of the ‘self’.

When you say that your brain creates your reality it implies also that 8 billions of brains also create their own reality (which is after all their own authority).
Inevitably this must cause havoc in the outer world,as well as in one’s own life, doesn’t it?
And it is called evil. Even necessary evel.
What the “hell” are we talking about?
If it wasn’t such a serious matter I should make a joke out of it.
What is evil? I never asked myself this question, so i am at a loss for an answer.

This I think is what K was pointing at when he said “the thinker is merely the verbalizer of thought”…not a separate entity, a ‘me’ that exists apart from the thinking process and controls it. The ‘thinker’ is the root of fear and conflict ; the ‘me’ that everything happens to…and who makes things happen! Not.

Am I evil, good, both, or neither?
Does answering that question require an authority?

I think reason is enough…reason, logic and observation …if the brain is to fulfill its potential and if for that, silence is necessary, then unnecessary noise must be ended including any form of ‘authority’.

I guess that it is the authority itself that asks the question(s) from the very beginning. The authority being the me.
And by authority I mean the entity that knows , be it from experience or be it from hearsay., or from something else.
If you ask oneself what is good or what is evil one should also ask where this question comes from.⁸
If one is honest one really doesn’t know. One might guess but your guess is as good as mine.The only thing one knows is that it is vital to ask the right question. But, generally, one has not a clue. Questions seem to arise, like thoughts, quite involuntary, like uninvited guests.
We might be so conditioned that we want an immediate answer to all those questions. Questions seem to become problematic and stimulating to find an answer.
To know what evil is, is no good!
Perhaps one can figure this out for oneself. It is worth its while.
See you.

Are we getting confused by ideas of absolute truth? As in : what is good/evil in an absolute sense? eg. from the point of view of an omniscient god

If so, yes then we must say : the question is meaningless, or I don’t know.

Which leaves us with : what do we humans mean by evil? Do I care if I am doing evil?

Let us take violence, if I might suggest.
Violence is considered by human beings as evil doings. Though it might be justified, it will never stop to be considered as violence.
Moreover, the justification itself is the very act of violence and keeps it going on.
This justification is an act of thought, isn’t it? So thought as well contributes and maintain this violence. This is clear, no?
Do I care ? Yes, i do ( if you want to know).
And because I care I want to learn about it.
And to learn about it I have to be free to look at it. Be free to look whether merely repeating what K has said about it might be another subtile way of being violent as well? So, i might disappoint you (or myself)
When saying that again I remain unaware of the answer.
Hope this is helpful in a way.

Could you say why what you post might be “helpful in a way”? Helpful in what way?

Why do I post sthg on Kinfonet? Is this what you are asking?
There might be different reasons or motives. If I think about it.
But … i cannot be sure.
Nevertheless I do post sthg in the hope that it will be received somehow.
Again … is this helpful? A simple yes or no would do for me. Would you do this for me?