
Do you want to know what my secret is? You see, I don’t mind what happens." #Krishnamurti #quote.

Very dangerous quote, maybe even Trump was in that state of mind.

So we have to take into account what the real, actual meaning of those words are and not use it as a tool for our goal.

Depends on how you understand it, I’d say: “I don’t mind what happens” = “I’m not afraid” and not: “I don’t care”.
You can make anything out of short quotes like this if you don’t put them in a context.

According to my point of view, this is not dangerous at all. Sir please check it again, what your mind is expressing.

Not Minding What Happens

Eckhart Tolle


Image of the WeekJ. Krishnamurti, the great Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher, spoke and traveled almost continuously all over the world for more than fifty years attempting to convey through words - which are content - that which is beyond words, beyond content. At one of his talks in the later part of his life, he surprised his audience by saying, “Do you want to know my secret?” Everyone became very alert. Many people in the audience had been coming to listen to him for twenty or thirty years and still failed to grasp the essence of his teaching. Finally, after all these years, the master would give them the key to understanding. “This is my secret,” he said. “I don’t mind what happens.”

He did not elaborate, and so I suspect most of his audience were even more perplexed than before. The implications of this simple statement, however, are profound.

When I don’t mind what happens, what does that imply? It implies that internally I am in alignment with what happens. “What happens,” of course, refers to the suchness of this moment, which always already is as it is. It refers to content, the form that this moment - the only moment there ever is - takes. To be in alignment with what is means to be in a relationship of inner nonresistance with what happens. It means not to label it mentally as good or bad, but to let it be. Does this mean you can no longer take action to bring about change in your life? On the contrary. When the basis for your actions is inner alignment with the present moment, your actions become empowered by the intelligence of Life itself.

Ekchart Tolle in his book, “A New Earth.”

Here is the exact quote…
“What shall I do? I have to earn a livelihood, unfortunately - personally I don’t. (Laughter) I don’t because I’ve no problem about earning a livelihood. But you have a problem about earning a livelihood. Why haven’t I a problem about not earning a livelihood? Because - very simple. You’re all waiting? (Laughter) You’re a strange people all right! (Laughter) I’ve no problem because I don’t mind what happens. You understand? I don’t mind if I fail or succeed, I don’t mind if I have money or not money - personally I have no money, thank god. I don’t want money, but I need food and clothes and shelter, and if somebody gives me, it’s all right, if somebody doesn’t, I live where I am. You understand my question? I have no problem because I don’t demand anything from anybody or from life. I wonder if you understand this.” Krishnamurti


Thank you Sir Ken. May I request you to quote, the last words of K ,before his death. As far as I know, K told: Nobody understood me.
I will be grateful to you.

This statement can’t be accepted until it is clear what “inner alignment with the present” means. It’s like “choiceless awareness” and “the observer is the observed”. The mind can’t comprehend what non-duality, wholeness, is, until it has relented from persistent duality.

Also, to say “your actions become empowered by the intelligence of Life itself”, adds to confusion. Action isn’t “empowered” by anything. It’s just intelligent response. It doesn’t need empowering. Tolle uses words like “empower” because his audience seeks empowerment.

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Does it mean : do what comes out of the present, facing the present? Do not get guided by thought. Thought has its own purpose but do not let thought come in between what happens in the present. We fear facing the presence and so we take refuge in thought. Thought projects and moves away from what is. What is, is too powerful and we have problems facing it.

Don’t blame thought. Without it we can’t articulate what is present, actual. It is our conditioning, our beliefs about what-should/should-not-be that alters perception and perpetuates falsehood and misunderstanding.

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Isn’t this the definition of conflict? A ‘you’ against ‘thought’. Why not ‘see’ what thought is saying with zero resistance to its movement? That’s the ‘Art’, isn’t it? An “alignment” with , what is taking place, as it is taking place…then the ‘observer’ and the ‘observed’ are one?

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Don’t conflate thought with the intention that employs it. Thought is a mechanical process, a tool. It is nothing without will, and the will of the conditioned mind is to react and respond conditionally.

Yes. Don’t blame the messenger for the message. You don’t blame your phone for the content it transmits. Thought is just the means of communication - not the intention of the conditioned response that employs it.


When does thought / thinking cause a problem for us and between us?

Can we be certain that we are “nothing”? (not-a-thing)

Can we be certain that we are “the world”?

When it is not subject to choiceless awareness/observation.

Can we be certain that we are “nothing” (not-a-thing)? Can we be certain that “we are the world”?

Not if certainty is a conditioned response.

If this is true, at the end of his life-long attempt to transmit his message, he didn’t mind that “no one got it”.

Right, because “minding what happens” is to be in conflict with ‘what happens’, isn’t it?

Yes, but his intention was for his audience to get what he was talking about, so he may have been expressing disappointment. When you endeavor to do something, accomplish something, you expect results, and though the results Krishnamurti got were not negligible, if he didn’t “set men free”, as he intended to do, he didn’t entirely succeed.

If, as some would argue, he knew that no one would “get it” in his lifetime, what reason would he have to announce that no one got it? The only reason I can think of would be to discourage anyone from believing or saying or implying that they got it. But as we can see from the many who do believe, say, or imply that they got it, he wasn’t entirely successful at that, either.

All this is not to suggest that Krishnamurti was a failure, because he succeeded in getting many people to observe and examine themselves, question their motives, fears, behavior, and free themselves from the many notions and beliefs and mindless habits they had never examined or questioned, and this is quite an achievement.

By saying “no one got it “, he made us all equal. No new teacher to follow. No head to put above our own…it was completely up to each one now, to ‘work it out’ for himself or herself.

An other possible explanation could be that no one can get it but only can express its understanding.

But let us be truthfully say, we cannot know what he meant it’s only an interpretation !

Yes, I think this is the best theory of why he said it, though we may never know the truth. Better to give him the benefit of the doubt than to assume he was not of sound mind.

A couple of decades ago, I watched K’s last public talk, which was in India, and he seemed to have been senile. His head was bandaged from a fall, and at one point he focused his wrath on one poor fellow sitting near the dais, and he hadn’t relented before I had to stop watching. I watched this video with a group of people, one of whom was Mark Lee, and he seemed to view it with regret that it was even shown.

The brain ages, and even the most brilliant, enlightened brain deteriorates, so it shouldn’t surprise or shock us to think that K may have outlived his purpose. Better to outlive one’s purpose than to die before completing it.