K Ning

I was hoping the KFA could find some way of continuing to fund the K Ning social media site at


Krishnamurti Network

Connect to others interested in the work of J. Krishnamurti.

Payment is required as soon as possible or it will shut down.
After having been a contributor to that site for close to 15 years, and a major donor to the Oak Grove School, I’m greatly disappointed that KFA makes no effort to keep it up and running. It’s a minor expense.
I love the give and take of Ning and how it enables members to create graphics, upload videos and engage in chat.
This is causing great consternation to many of us.
I’ve contacted KFA directly and have received no response.
I have left a comment on Jaap’s page on K Ning and have heard nothing.
This is disheartening to say the least. Very, very disappointed.


Ken, sorry to hear the news. Budget cuts are a harsh reality. Programs with the highest outreach are probably prioritized. I’m sure your contributions have been most appreciated and useful.

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I wonder why they haven’t responded. They owe folks like you an explanation.

When the moderator of that group kicked me out, he was apologetic and honest enough to confess that he did it under pressure from a few participants who happened to be his friends. I felt sorry for him, but he was better than his predecessor.

But now KFA is doing a zoom discussion forum which I feel is no improvement, and perhaps worse than what we’re doing here. Participants just take turns spending their two cents instead of thinking together.

Hello Jaap. Thank you for the two years extended time at K. Ning. That was most generous of you. I am writing to you about Krishnamurti Ning today with all the non payment notices. Is there any way forward that you can see that will keep the site open? I have two suggestions and I could go into more depth with you if needed. The site needs a strong monitor to enforce simple guidelines or it will continue to stagnate. I am not available for that position. Also and this is not extortion Ken is a strong K.F.A schools supporter, who donates generously to K.F.A. His donations are more than the cost of maintaining the site. Only Ken (he) would not want to be a moderator either. He is a rock solid yearly supporter of the schools, that loves that group and the freedom of expression the group promotes. I urge you to consider giving the group a little longer with an active moderator guiding the members in more friendly ways of communication including myself. Keep up the good work. Do what you think is right for the schools. Sincerely Danny AKA (Dano)

Hi Ken, I think your page on Ning always brought a happy smile. Hope you will continue it somewhere in case Ning is no longer there. To be honest only your page was the reason I logged into Ning. The discussion forum itself I found dreary and ineffectual. I can’t read the discussions there, as I feel my brain cells will die reading that. But your page was always exceptional.

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K.F.A is responsible for the overdue balance. Please help the schools K.F.A is in a debtors financial state regardless of what Jaap said to Ken. The site was never signed over to new owners. K.F.A. shut off the funds when they went into arrears and their credit card on Paypal failed. .

Yes, a monitor is essential in a barroom because there, everyone’s thinking for themselves.

But here, where we’re supposed to be thinking together, we’re politely pissing on each other and calling it “discussion”. Sorry to be so colloquial, but this is a very refined kind of barroom. .

Yes Inquiry. I understand what you are saying. Crude one up manship and clever one up showmanship, usually come from competitive minded people. The strong willed are less interested in each others thinking, friendliness, sharing thinking experiences, and life. We are generally more interested in being right and winning or producing the illusion of winning, as in a debate. I would think we would learn from the past, but we continue on repeating the mistakes of the past. So yes I hope this place becomes an oasis for inquirers who come to share their own understanding and experiences with others, and make strong friendships and let the younger people have their say and take the place of the old folks, who also still need to learn to listen more and assert opinions less including myself. Thank you

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Yes Ken’s page was always changing and so delightfully humorous I myself got addicted to his ever changing, educational and nicely entertaining page with so many different quotes from famous people throughout the years that generally with a few exceptions, that really did not disagree in any serious intellectual or spiritual ways with the things Jiddu Krishnamurti was saying after 1930 and his early life as a vehicle for the Maitreya in the years he spent being programmed hypnotized by Charles Ledbetter, the real Pope like leader, the wizard behind the curtain. The theosophists and their programmers, were in charge of Jiddu Krishnamurti and others, with the help of Ms. Annie Besant. Theosophy and their leadership were really in charge of the Order of the star, and the fake order folded when young Jiddu renounced his role with them.

A leaderless cult that was not a viable cult, or movement without the young Jiddu Krishnamurti. An honest brave young man who renounced his role as a vehicle for the Maitreya. Who walked away from an exploiting religious cult. Who became a global teacher whose spoken mission was always for the rest of his life traveling all over the world, lecturing, and having dialogues and discussions to set mankind free from their programming as one of the greatest modern minds the programmed divided world of all of mankind had ever seen. Many had a chance to learn from him during, and after his lifetime in the books, videos tapes, he gifted to the whole world .Sorry for the rant but yes Ken is a really wise human being, and friend of many.

This forum seems pretty dull these days too - it used to be so much livelier in the early days. Maybe it was livelier because this more professional format is stultifying compared to the earlier kinfonet, or maybe just because people have tired of arguing and shouting about Krishnamurti.

Well, the Ning headquarters finally shut down the Krishnamurti Ning network this past week for lack of payment. The domain name is now free to use.

Ning gives you a grace period of a month or so to pay the bill, and until it’s paid, access to the site is blocked. After that the entire content is erased, and that’s what’s happened.

All the posts and work of the past 15 years is gone…vanished, like they never existed in the first place.

I changed my page every day, so there was nothing of mine to save and I avoided the discussion and forum sections because they were as boring as this place.

But Dano, Bruce, the German group and others spent thousands of hours composing and typing discussions on various subjects. Poof, all gone. I feel sorry for all of them. It’s a disgusting situation for all involved.

I contacted Ning a week ago or so ago and asked them about taking over the site and paying for it, and they offered me a form that the creator of the network could fill out, turning over control of the site to me.

But I couldn’t do anything with it, because after 15 years the creator of the site has either died or disappeared (I assume it was Troy) so who could I contact to fill out the form?

The administrator of the site was comatose as well, and nobody seemed to know or care at KFA. They washed their hands of the whole business.

I have no idea who was even paying the bill for the past two years.

Ning said I could agree to keep the site up by paying for it on my own, but since I did not create it, did not administer or moderate it, I would have no access the design or content of the network anyway. What a joke.

Ning does offer a 12 day period where you can sign up and design your own network free of charge and then decide if you want to continue on and pay a monthly or yearly fee, somewhere around $360 a year.

So I tried to tackle it. What a disaster. The Krishnamurti Ning network was pretty much designed with the Ning 2 layout and a few years ago they updated it to Ning 3. I’ve heard a lot of criticism about that decision. Creators that had been on Ning 2 for like 10 years struggle to adapt to the newer format, and much of their material was not compatible with Ning 3. The design interface is a stewpot of confusion. And if you try to modify anything, it’s a risky gamble. Struggling with this was so aggravating I gave up on it.

I’m looking into setting up a blog on Blogger, which has a simpler interface. We’ll see how it goes.

At this point, my enthusiasm for any of this has pretty much vanished.

Very, very disappointed with KFA over this lack of support. It was truly the only social media site focused on K.

Kinfonet is as outdated as the ridiculous message boards that were everywhere on the internet like 20 years ago.

Are there any newer more up to date ways of meeting on the internet that strike you as particularly promising? Zoom or Discord maybe?

Zoom video dialogues are definitely different - but written communication surely isn’t quite dead yet - I always thought that the difficulties encountered on Kinfonet were due to the human part of the equation - by which I mean some blockage we have that seems to be hindering open enquiry and communication.

Twenty years ago, Kinfonet was a complete, hilarious zoo. Utter madness, and great fun.
People were being banned left and right for weeks at a time. Even I was for a while.
The administrator even tried to tamp things down by tracking your IP code to prevent you from posting under an alias.
How it survived, I’ll never know.

Here’s a screenshot I assembled from those zany days of 2001 Kinfonet. You need to play around with it to view it. Try opening and enlarging the image in a separate tab to see it full size.
Every so often I open it up and laugh until I cry.

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Why the laugh and why the cry, if I may ask?

p.s.: for those who want to take a look at the past →

That would be nice, but I find that this forum is best for thinking together about what Krishnamurti meant by what he said, maintaining open minds about what he was saying.

Some of us here do this, others share their beliefs about what K was saying, and a few come here to play Teacher, expounding as if they were Krishnamurti himself.

I stopped posting here because the threads are too long. I can’t read a thread for hours. There are only 5 or 6 people who regularly post here and they seem to spend most of their day here. I can’t do that. I cannot replace my life with an internet forum. There is no variety here. A few people have monopolized the forum and if anyone is different they are hounded out. It’s like their intellectual safe space. They are very orthodox believers who just repeat and seek confirmation of their beliefs from fellow believers. It is just an echo chamber. Ning discussion forum also had become that, except of course Ken’s page because that was unorthodox and funny.

Sorry to hear that Ken. If you do create a page somewhere do share the link. It’s refreshing now and then to see the funny side of K, otherwise most of the K ‘followers’ I’ve encountered are serious, intellectual and plain.

And yet, you know that…

Mmmm! … :thinking:

It seems to me a sign of disrespect how the KFA let the NingForum die off. People put time and effort into it and tried to communicate with each other, even if it often didn’t work out very well. I think it’s very sad.

Would you mind sharing the actual reason why KFA (allegedly) let NingForum die off? Thanks! :pray: