K Ning

I suspect that most people can’t stand the agressive verbal violence that a couple of the regulars here are prone to demonstrate - and I quite understand - why would we stay where we feel we are being regularly attacked?

unfortunately, the people that attack feel duty bound to do so - they feel they are protecting something important.

thats how the cookie crumbles here on kinfonet - hardly any active members - and the impression of talking to a brick wall at times.

In order to post here the ability to not take conflictual reactions personally seems essential, its a rare trait - kinfonet as it stands is not really welcoming to all ideas.

This describes most of us, yes, but for a few it’s a podium from which to play teacher, and these creeps make the believers and parrots tolerable.

The KFA has The Immeasurable podcast now, and it’s a much better use of their time and money than a discussion forum.

I honestly don’t know if I’m better off for having spent so much time in K-forums. It could have been a colossal waste of time and it could have been worthwhile. I’ll never know. It’s immeasurable.

Hi MacDougDoug, I thought I’d share this with you, but don’t want to get sucked into a discussion on the forum. Some here will try to provoke a discussion. They live on words and get energy from that. Don’t want to be sucked into that.

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The only public message from the KFA about 2 years ago was that:
we are going to close this Forum since we feel it is outdated .Then it went on for 2 years without further comment. Now it has disappeared.
I assume they had no ressources to moderate it, but were responsible for the content posted. I assume so, but I don’t know. There was very little communication from those responsible, so participants who cared about this forum feel disregarded.
As a matter of course, the KFA disposes of its funds as it sees fit and if it feels that one of its offers is no longer up to date, it can of course withdraw it. I think the complaint is more about the lack of communication.

Perhaps the online K-world is drying up a bit. There used to be quite a few very lively forums on the internet - as Ken said, kinfonet itself was completey mad and very funny in the early days. Now there only seems to be this one and not many seem to post here anymore. It’s nearly 40 years since K died - maybe interest in him is going into decline? Perhaps it’s more people using social media instead. A lot of the early posters have died and maybe interest in him is fading away too.

It’s also because there are a ton of K videos available now. I have limited time in a day and I prefer to watch a video than discuss. After some time you see words are limited and value of a discussion drops. I prefer to listen to K or go for a walk.

I remember my first post on here 23 years ago was to compare Krishnamurti forums to lunatic asylums. I think you replied by comparing one of the posters to Nurse Ratched.

It was very entertaining but perhaps not the best advert for Krishnamurti!

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Personally I don’t think that neither the health nor the interest in the subject matter of any forum can be measured only by the number of active members, since in this particular forum at least there may be many users who come here every day just to listen without (for whatever reason) sharing their views on what is being said.

So if there are statistics of the daily connections to the forum, both of participants and “listeners”, that could be a relevant data to know the actual health and interest of the users about Kinfonet forum.

There are (see “users” left column) - the number of lunatics is vanishingly tiny (maybe a few more now the K-ning site is down) - most have gotten old, or diagnosis and treatment have improved - don’t know if this is good or bad.

Yes oasis has many meanings so clarifying what we mean by Oasis is a necessity. A psychological oasis is one where fear does not rule and freedom of reasonable expression is honored not Denied and mistakes are not a problem they are also great for Inquiry. So it is good when we find a safe place to be ourselves. A safe space for everyone a psychological oasis is not a training or converting center. Not a place to be scorned ridiculed or full of bullies. Those taking unfair advantage of others with a skill or with a better memory. A place where it is not insane to attempt to identfy why conversion of everyone to a system that converts human beings to believe deeply fundamental conclusions, is only a cult.

A psychological oasis to me is where we can inquire and see our ideas ideals, programs and fundamental beliefs are not from ancient truths. They are from human bestial insanity, from false pride and bigotry, from hypocrites, and pointing that out is not insane or bullying it is a fact that duality cannot be ended with beliefs behind all division and duality, both inner and outer. See to anyone believing their religious solutions added to learning and inquiry in life are diverted idealism.

Those not trapped, or trapped in their own peculiar fiction, must also learn mankind never had answers to fundamental problems in any nation, or religion on earth and an oasis would be a very safe place to learn about that for everyone especially those who are trying to be great influences at the very risk of blocking their own brains and minds from deeper inquiry into all of life and living. All of us as psychological equals, not afraid to express ourselves, not afraid to question authority, and not ruled by fear in a safe place. Is that not true?

Generally with exceptions sticking to the basic rules on treating each other with respect, is a psychological oasis to my own way of thinking. I would never write that in stone. Ponder everything I say for yourselves here. Throwing concepts at problems is the practice of fighting fire with fire. An oasis is where we drink the cool waters of doubt on an overheating, warring planet, and polluted dying world not throwing thought gasoline, gaslighting each other? So rather than trying to end wars, by starting more wars we inquire together asking what produced this chaotic, divided warring world? Ponder on these things for yourselves.

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