Is the self anything but fear?

I don’t know if there’s an IT to get. If there is I don’t know what IT might be. I envision it as a kind of master key that unlocks the door to understanding.


Yes, it’s all part of the puzzle. (I’ll add that to my IT list.)

Thinking that you are on a viable path to IT can feel very very good.

That’s the only thing the ass can look forward to, is to ‘one day’ catch up with that damn carrot :carrot:

Hee-haw baybey! :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: The Questioning Mind

What is that “IT”, in the present conversation? I really do not know what it is but four members said something about “IT” in the present thread.

Don’t worry @sivaram we don’t know what IT is either

Sounds good.

“I get it!” means I understand whatever ‘it’ is fully, I grok it. When I talk about getting IT I mean understanding the nature of reality.


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The search for IT might be a fool’s errand. Or it might lead to understanding.

I suspect it’s both, that these ‘opposites’ are in fact closely intertwined.

Thought wittingly or not, occupies the brain and then creates an imaginary entity that seeks a path to freedom?

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Sounds like the Roman Catholic Church!

This happens, probably quite often, we have a genius for fooling ourselves.

But that something can happen doesn’t mean it necessarily does happen, right?

Don’t forget the imaginary path and the imaginary goal (the mythical freedom in our mind) at the end of it that the imaginary entity (me) has to get to - so good luck to all!

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Brings up the ‘radical’ K statement, Freedom is at the beginning, not the end.

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There is a Buddhist quote on foolishness.

"The fool who knows his foolishness is wise at any rate so far but the fool who thinks that he is wise is a fool indeed "


I believe the snake is just a rope because Krishnamurti and others have me convinced of it. But conviction is not realization - it’s just belief. My belief that the “snake” is just a rope brings relief, but it doesn’t bring awakening. So I have comforting knowledge that makes it possible to live with the snake, but I don’t have the clarity, the emptiness, to see that the snake is just a rope.

Yes, the right words from people you trust can be very comforting. And we all need comfort sometimes, refuge from the madness. (At least I do.)

Sivaram, I think you can get min characters by adding …(…dot, dot, dot, dot, …etc)