Hasn't Our Knowledge of K's Teachings Become a Burden of Sorts?

Hi mac,

Funny, lol, have been quite busy elsewhere, so sorry for delay.

Syllogism… easy peasy:

one uses the format, A is to B, as C is to D, therefore:

Fact is to belief (i.e. non-fact), as violence is to non-violence.

Got it? :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think my syllogisms had a valid structure - usually it goes like this :
Planets are spherical.
The Earth is a planet.
Therefore Earth is spherical.

You seem to be proposing a different sort of structure too. It seems to be about opposites.
It doesn’t seem to be about the “Mystery is subjective” theme either?


Yeah, I know, I can’t recall where I got this, but I have studied physics at several universities (one being McGill), way back when…

Planets are not strictly spheres, they are ovoid by the way… lol

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My question is reinforced.

My question is reinforced.