Direct Perception

The ‘I’ / self / psychological time, arises when Attention is absent. “Where the self is, Love is not.”

That’s the whole ‘teaching’. Someone asked him if he would sum up the teaching in one word and K said : “attention”.


The following statement:



As you deliberately avoided the rest of Charley’s post, Charley is more than skeptical that you have ever actually had an insight as per K… You may have thought you put thought “in its right place”, but then again began to use thought afterwards in an area where thought does not belong, and having done that, Charley understands that anyone who does that cannot have have had any insight at all. Anyone can realize they have a disordered mind; that does not put thought in its right place. What puts thought in its right place is realizing/understanding that thought is limited, not necessarily disordered. That too is not an insight, just a realization, that when added to one’s working through oneself, what happens is that the self disappears of its own accord, or as K stated “withering away”. There is no insight, no perception, no realization, that can make the self disappear. The self will go away just like that, naturally, after doing awareness and attention - attending to, i.e. following “what is” seen (btw attention has nothing to do with “paying attention”).

When one doesn’t water (feed) the tree of the self, the leaves fall away just like that, and the tree eventually dies.

You see, an insight actually causes mutation in the brain cells themselves, which the body feels (not change as it is normally referred to), and this has an incredible impact in the consciousness of all human beings, a ripple effect.

Charley - in actuality, it is through insight that technical thought finds its right place - that is the underlying mutation in the brain - so the whole of your post was answered.

Furthermore, it is not the insight per se which changes the brain, but the understanding and ending of the brain’s addiction to its enacting the effects of it own secretions knowingly to create an artificial state of timelessness - a commanded state of ecstasy in the brain.

The human brain is either in complete disorder or it is not.

One can believe that parts of the human consciousness are in order and others parts are not, but it is the insight that nothing at all in the human consciousness is in order which triggers a mutation in the functional action of the brain’s neurochemistry, wiping out the former controller - the self.

K spoke of humans taking a wrong turn, what was it? Surely it took place at the very start of human existence, so unless the true origin of humanity is understood, the whole of the disorder of the human brain and mind cannot be questioned or changed.

Unless the whole of the vegan nature of humans is seen, and the whole of what goes into the human body is seen and revisited, no change in human beings at any level is possible.

The self is the physical and pharmaceutical addiction to neurological chemicals and their pathways in the whole of the body’s physiology. This is not a simple matter, but seeing it cannot occur without insight.

The self cannot “go away” until the neurological pathways, which are its peripheral movement creating its centre, are understood and ended behaviourally.

For the self to die/end, it has to literally be starved of nourishment, and that cannot happen without insight into the whole of human consciousness and its origins. It is that simple.

K said that he distrusted all experiences - especially his own.

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And how does Charley compare this withouth Using thought?

I doubt our capability to understand and unravel and gain insights to put into words on the wisdom or intelligence of animals.

Animals do not cogitate like humans becuase for living their routine does not require such an effort. They observe and act to learn and they act again learn without intervention of thought. It is always observation, awareness, action, learning and then action again to learn.

Fortunately animals do not invest their instinct and energy in judging fellow species except for the play of living a life. They play their role on the universe, to be consumed by universe it self.