Unfortunately the teaching of K was always entertainment for many, as he pointed out. Not all however…
Unfortunately the teaching of K was always entertainment for many, as he pointed out. Not all however…
Right, but they’re just not quite ‘there’ yet’?
‘Becoming’ has no proper place in the realm of the psyche. In the psyche / mind, it is to use K’s word, “occupation”. occupying the mind.
You’re quoting charley, Patricia…
Dan - ‘Becoming’ is entertainment for the self.
One is alive, and one is of the disorder.
Start here: The self IS disorder.
And if not now - when?
When is human disorder dire enough to take it very seriously? What prevents genuine inquiry into this very basic fact?
The self?
Sorry Inquiry - yes that is true. The quote was not clear. Thank you for pointing it out.
So Charley - site members doing ‘considerable good work on themselves’ is becoming. Is it not?
“Certainly is Paul. What occurs when assumption is built upon assumption over centuries of human endeavour. It is quite a tangle to unravel.”
Patricia from God, soul or what happens after death - #33 by Patricia
“That centre is the content of consciousness, the content is consciousness; there is no consciousness if there is no content. You must work this out…”
“It is there; I have to work it out. So, I have to find out If it is the truth, or if it is a falsehood. Which means I must exercise my reason, my capacity, my intelligence. I must work.”
“Or has he to work tremendously on himself? You may point out, you may say, “Look, go through that door”, but he has to do the work entirely from the beginning to the end.”
K: The Awakening of Intelligence
Charley - Yes - It is work.
But it is technical work - It does not require a self to run it.
While the self is acting, there will be becoming.
No-one wants to go there - that is understood. It is much easier to blame ‘thought’ so that the self can continue in all its glory as an ‘improved self’.
But as K said: It is still the monkey! (1984 “The Brain Seminar” Brockwood Park, Meeting 3.)
The insight is in seeing that attachment clogs up the house of the mind.
While the clogging up will end with that insight - which does not require work - emptying the house of all attachment does require work - that is: letting go.
You have had a real insight (not an intellectual insight), but an insight that caused “mutation” in the “brain cells” (as per K)?
I don’t quite understand this - (psychological) thought is the self, isn’t it? The self is made of memory, and thought is memory.
Maybe you are responding to someone on the thread who is using the word ‘thought’ in a different way, but K was quite clear that the self, the ‘me’, the ego is put together by thought and nothing else.
Hello James -
Thought is essential for the brain to function in order - as technical thinking.
When thought measures itself as attachment to the senses, then psychological thinking as the self arises.
K did not always make this clear, which allows for the mistake of blaming all thought for the specific disorder to self.
Charley - there is no ‘you’ or ‘me’ when the self ends.
One only asked that because you brought up the word “becoming” out of the blue, and it was obvious that no one had brought that up. And, there was nothing leading to bring that up. One understands now where Patricia is at…
Yes, ordinary everyday thought (technical thought) needn’t build up the self-centre. The issue is that where awareness and attention are lacking, the brain doesn’t recognise the difference (between technical and psychological thinking) and subsumes the one into the other.
Ah!!! One wondered about that, thanks…
If thought itself is measurement - the means by which the whole is fragmented into parts - how does measurement “measure itself as attachment to the senses”?
That is an important question Inquiry, and it is really important that one discovers firsthand through action the whole movement of thought and the manner in which the self manifests and continues.
This is impossible to look at without understanding the true instinct of diet/hunger and everything that comes into and through the body.
The pattern of self has emerged from evolution through a wrong turn.
K asked: Did mankind take a wrong turn?
James - It is when thought attaches itself to perception, and measures itself as personalised experience, rather than being at one with the perception.
The self manifests as a centre of the senses, inventing the illusion of emotions.
"Emotion’ etymologically meaning ‘agitation of the mind’ - ‘to move away from’.
The eyes take in the information of the form and thought says “that is a tree”. It can list the characteristics, knowledge of the ‘tree’, etc. It crosses the ‘line’ when it thinks. “I like that tree”.
Dan - where does the ‘I’ come from? - how does the ‘I’ arise?
Doesn’t it , the me and the mine, arise in early childhood? Through comparison with and by others?