ChatGPT on Krishnamurti

GPT is apparently programmed in such a way that anything that can’t be proven is a belief.
Like scientists are programmed that what is proven is true.

Perhaps it could be questioned on what basis the word belief has been used here.

Whether in this context it is aware of David Bohm’s concept ’ hidden variables’

imageChatGPT: Thank you for bringing this to my attention. As an AI language model, I do not have beliefs or assumptions of my own, but I understand that my responses may not always accurately reflect the perspective or language of the individuals or sources mentioned in a conversation.

Regarding Krishnamurti, I will keep in mind that he did not claim to be speaking from belief in his teachings and will strive to accurately convey his philosophy and approach to those seeking information or guidance on the topic.

The energy to meet problems…Life is energy. We need energy.Pls explain?

imageChatGPT: Regarding the use of the term “belief,” it is true that in many contexts, beliefs may refer to ideas or concepts that cannot be proven or are not based on empirical evidence. However, in the case of Krishnamurti, it may be more appropriate to use language that more accurately reflects his philosophy and approach to understanding reality. For example, Krishnamurti often emphasized the importance of direct perception and insight, rather than relying on beliefs or concepts.

Regarding David Bohm’s concept of “hidden variables,” I am familiar with this concept and understand that it is related to the idea that there may be underlying, non-deterministic factors that influence the behavior of subatomic particles. However, I would need more information or context to provide a more detailed response.

imageChatGPT: In the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, the concept of “energy” refers to a fundamental, dynamic force that permeates all of life and consciousness. According to Krishnamurti, this energy is not something that can be created or destroyed, but rather it is always present and constantly transforming.

Krishnamurti often spoke about the importance of having a high level of energy in order to meet the challenges and difficulties of life. This energy is not necessarily physical in nature, but rather it is a state of mind and being that allows one to approach problems with clarity, focus, and creativity.

In order to cultivate this energy, Krishnamurti emphasized the importance of being present and fully engaged in the present moment. He believed that when we are fully attentive and aware, our energy is not dissipated by the past or the future, and we are able to direct it towards the challenges and opportunities of the present.

Krishnamurti also emphasized the importance of understanding oneself and the nature of one’s own energy. By observing our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations without judgment or analysis, we can gain insight into the workings of our own mind and the nature of energy itself.

Overall, for Krishnamurti, the concept of energy was a key aspect of his philosophy of self-awareness, personal transformation, and living a fully engaged and meaningful life.

Krishnamurti: to be human
Towards the end of his life, K said that those who were very close to him generally did not understand what he was talking about. Page 14

It takes a lot of energy to trigger nuclear fusion, it seems to me an analogy with ‘hidden varables’ and krishnamurti’s ‘transformation of the braincells’.

imageChatGPT: I can see how you might draw a comparison between the energy required for nuclear fusion and the concept of hidden variables or Krishnamurti’s idea of the transformation of brain cells.

In the case of nuclear fusion, energy must be inputted to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between atomic nuclei, allowing them to come close enough together that the strong nuclear force can bind them together. This requires a lot of energy, typically in the form of heat and pressure, which is why nuclear fusion is such a difficult process to achieve.

Similarly, in the case of hidden variables or Krishnamurti’s concept of the transformation of brain cells, there may be underlying factors or processes that are not immediately apparent or accessible to our conscious awareness. These hidden variables or processes may require a great deal of energy, effort, or insight to uncover or transform, just as nuclear fusion requires a great deal of energy to initiate.

However, it is important to note that the specific details and implications of each of these concepts are quite different. Nuclear fusion is a physical process that occurs at the level of atoms and requires enormous amounts of energy, while hidden variables and Krishnamurti’s ideas are more philosophical or metaphysical in nature, relating to consciousness, perception, and personal transformation.

image ChatGPT: Yes, that’s correct. Towards the end of his life, Krishnamurti often remarked that those who were closest to him, such as his associates and followers, often did not fully grasp the depth and significance of his teachings.

This is because Krishnamurti’s message was not about imparting knowledge or conveying a set of beliefs or dogmas, but rather about awakening individuals to their own potential for insight and understanding. His teachings were intended to challenge and provoke, rather than to comfort or reassure, and as such, they could be difficult to fully comprehend or accept.

Krishnamurti believed that true freedom and liberation could only come about through a deep and profound understanding of oneself and the world around us, and that this understanding could not be gained through the accumulation of knowledge or the adherence to any particular ideology or system of thought. Instead, it required a willingness to question, explore, and challenge one’s own assumptions and preconceptions, and to be open to the possibility of radical transformation and insight.

How can the conditioned brain observe anything “without judgment or analysis” when it is conditioned, programmed, to judge and analyse everything?

Is ‘awareness’ programmed? Does it judge? Does it analyze? Is awareness a product of each individual ‘brain’? Does awareness differ between each living thing or is it each ‘brain’s’ ability to receive it?

No, but the conditioned brain is programmed to reflexively, immediately, distort, deny, or dismiss what awareness shows what isn’t with, doesn’t conform to, the program. If that wasn’t the case, we wouldn’t be here talking about it.

So self knowledge is the awareness of that without judgement, condemnation, comparison, etc?

No. The the limited brain can only learn about its limits, how everything it does is either a conditioned response or a partial insight.

Self-knowledge is learning about self-deception, finding out what it honestly does not know and cannot know, but can only believe or disbelieve.

Is that self knowledge or self analysis?

image ChatGPT It is true that our brains are naturally wired to judge and analyze information based on our past experiences, beliefs, and conditioning. However, it is possible to train the brain to observe without judgment or analysis through mindfulness practices.

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment, without judgment or distraction. With mindfulness, you can train your brain to observe sensations, thoughts, and emotions as they arise, without reacting to them or getting caught up in them.

One way to do this is to simply focus on your breath and observe your thoughts as they come and go, without engaging with them or trying to change them. Another technique is to pay attention to your physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts as they arise, acknowledging them without judgment or analysis.

Through regular practice, mindfulness can help you cultivate a more objective and open-minded perspective, allowing you to observe things without getting caught up in your conditioned responses or automatic judgments.

image ChatGPT:Awareness can be thought of as a natural state of consciousness that is not necessarily programmed, judged, or analyzed. It is the quality of being conscious and attentive to one’s surroundings, sensations, and thoughts.

While the brain and its programming may affect our perception and interpretation of awareness, awareness itself is not limited to individual brains. It is a fundamental quality of consciousness that can be experienced by any living being with a nervous system.

It is possible that the way awareness is experienced may differ between individuals or species, as each brain processes and interprets sensory information differently. However, the underlying quality of awareness itself is likely to be universal.

In essence, awareness can be thought of as a fundamental aspect of consciousness that is not limited to individual brains or programming, but rather is a universal quality that can be experienced by any being with a nervous system.

Knowing that you have no choice but to choose because you are duality is not self-analysis - it’s facing the fact of your limitation.

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What did Krishnamurti mean by “psychological thought”?
image ChatGPT: Krishnamurti referred to “psychological thought” as the activity of the mind that is involved in creating mental images, concepts, beliefs, and conclusions about oneself, others, and the world. He saw psychological thought as the source of much of human suffering and conflict, as it is conditioned by our past experiences, beliefs, and cultural conditioning.

According to Krishnamurti, psychological thought arises from the accumulation of memory, which distorts our perception of reality and creates a sense of separateness between the self and others. He argued that psychological thought is fundamentally different from the thinking required for practical activities, such as problem-solving or decision-making, as it is based on personal biases, prejudices, and desires.

Krishnamurti’s teachings emphasized the need for individuals to become aware of the workings of their own minds and to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment or identification. He believed that by doing so, one could free oneself from the limitations of psychological thought and access a deeper level of consciousness that transcends the ego and the conditioning of the past.

He (Krishnamurti) believed that by doing so, one could free oneself from the limitations of psychological thought and access a deeper level of consciousness that transcends the ego and the conditioning of the past.

Remind GPT that it is still assuming K spoke from belief, and inform GPT that K said there is no way, no method, technique, or path to truth because training the mind (by practicing a method or technique) can only result in (1) the belief that one has achieved the sought after result, (2) that one has failed, (3) or that the practice is a waste of energy because it just perpetuates the problem.