ChatGPT on Krishnamurti

imageChatGPT: As an AI language model, I don’t have subjective experiences, thoughts, or emotions like humans do. I exist solely as a computer program running on servers, processing language input and generating language output.

AI is fundamentally different from human beings in many ways, including the fact that AI lacks consciousness, subjective experiences, and a sense of self-awareness. AI is programmed to perform specific tasks and make decisions based on predefined rules and algorithms.

While AI doesn’t have to deal with the physical limitations and biological constraints that human beings face, it’s important to note that AI is also limited in its ability to understand and interact with the world. AI lacks the creativity, intuition, and empathy that human beings possess, which can be essential in many situations.

In summary, while AI is different from human beings in many ways, it’s important to understand that AI is not a replacement for human beings and cannot fully replicate the human experience.

I assume that AI doesn’t hold ‘beliefs’ which among humans has and can create conflict among us. Does AI point out the inevitability of violence when opposing beliefs are held to be the truth? Would it suggest letting go of a belief system that can’t be scientifically proven to be ‘true’?

Why would you assume this, knowing that AI is created by humans, virtually all of whom operate on the basis of their beliefs?

It seems to me that AI can’t speak authoritatively without beliefs, and it should be interesting to see how this plays out. If everything it says is consistent with the assumptions it holds, it will be rejected by conservatives for its scientific, liberal bias, and further contribute to the polarization we’re experiencing.

Does AI point out the inevitability of violence when opposing beliefs are held to be the truth?

Since opposing beliefs are the truth, i.e., the human condition, the question is whether AI can see the incoherence in our thinking that brings this about.

Would it suggest letting go of a belief system that can’t be scientifically proven to be ‘true’?

That may be all it can do, and we know all too well how believers feel about it.

We have emotional reasons for many beliefs. AI says it doesn’t have emotions.
Is the major difference between AI and us , that according to K, going beyond one’s conditioning (programming) is a possibility for us whereas for AI, it is not?

K said that “the seeing is the doing”, and that the human brain can awaken to (see) its conditioning, and that awakening/seeing is the end of the authority of its conditioning. So it seems to me that all AI would be able to do is to repeat what K said without ever knowing if it’s true or false, since it can’t know any more than its creators do.

What we don’t know is whether AI can identify and show us our confusion, our incoherent thinking. As was pointed out a few days ago, our brains are conditioned so that our default mode of operation is self-referential, which means we are constantly reinforcing and perpetuating our confusion.

imageChatGPT: While AI has made significant progress in various fields, including natural language processing, it is currently not capable of identifying and showing humans their confusion or incoherent thinking. AI is designed to process data and provide output based on pre-defined algorithms or models, and it lacks the ability to introspect or understand the subjective experience of humans.

Identifying and addressing confusion and incoherent thinking is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of human psychology, cognitive biases, and emotional states. While AI can assist in some areas, such as detecting patterns and providing feedback on specific tasks, it cannot replace human introspection and self-reflection.

It’s true that humans have a default mode of operation that is self-referential, and this can lead to confusion and incoherent thinking. However, there are various techniques and practices that humans can use to overcome these limitations, such as mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. These practices involve becoming aware of one’s thoughts and emotions, questioning assumptions, and developing more flexible and adaptive thinking patterns.

In conclusion, while AI has advanced significantly in recent years, it currently lacks the ability to identify and address human confusion and incoherent thinking. Humans can overcome these limitations through various introspective practices and techniques.

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Psychologists Say

Oh? What evidence is there that anyone has “overcome these limitations”? How would AI know whether a human brain is unlimited or not?

imageChatGPT: It is not accurate to say that humans can completely overcome their limitations in terms of confusion and incoherent thinking. These limitations are inherent to human cognition and can be attributed to various factors such as cognitive biases, emotional states, and the complexity of human experience.

However, there is evidence to suggest that certain introspective practices and techniques, such as mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help individuals develop greater awareness of their thoughts and emotions, identify and challenge cognitive biases, and cultivate more adaptive and flexible thinking patterns. These practices can lead to improvements in cognitive functioning and overall well-being.

It is important to note that AI is not capable of determining whether a human brain is unlimited or not. The capabilities of AI are limited to processing and analyzing data based on predefined algorithms and models. While AI can provide insights and suggestions based on patterns in data, it lacks the ability to fully understand the complexity and nuances of human cognition and experience.

In conclusion, while humans may not be able to completely overcome their limitations in terms of confusion and incoherent thinking, certain introspective practices and techniques can help individuals develop greater awareness and cultivate more adaptive thinking patterns. AI is not capable of determining the limitations or unlimited potential of the human brain.

imageChatGPT: There are several differences between AI and humans, and the issue of emotions is just one of them. It is true that AI, as we currently understand it, does not have emotions in the same way that humans do. AI systems are designed and programmed to process data and make decisions based on logical and mathematical algorithms, rather than on emotional responses.

However, it is important to note that the absence of emotions does not necessarily mean that AI is incapable of making complex decisions or adapting to new situations. AI systems can be designed to learn and improve their performance over time, and to respond to new information or changing circumstances in ways that are not strictly programmed into them.

Furthermore, while humans may have emotional reasons for many of their beliefs, it is not necessarily the case that these emotions are always irrational or unhelpful. Emotions can be a useful tool for making decisions and navigating complex social situations. However, they can also be a source of bias and error, leading us to make decisions that are not in our best interests.

In terms of the idea of going beyond one’s conditioning, it is true that humans have the potential to break free from the limitations of their programming and conditioning, to some extent. However, this is not always easy or straightforward, and many people are influenced by deeply ingrained beliefs and biases that are difficult to overcome. AI systems, on the other hand, can be designed to learn and adapt to new situations, but they are always limited by the constraints of their programming and the data they are trained on.

Krishnamurti : You must learn my vocabulary, the meaning behind the words.
What was his vovabulary? How I can lern it.

Krishnamurti’s vocabulary developed over time. As an iconoclast, he redefined words like love and meditation. Words he used in the 1920’s had completely different meanings in the 1980s. Everyone will have a unique interpretation of Krishnamurti teachings, which will also change over time. This is what makes K-dialogues complicated and frustrating at times.

imageChatGPT: Jiddu Krishnamurti had his own vocabulary and unique way of expressing his ideas. He emphasized the importance of understanding the meaning behind the words we use and advocated for a form of communication that is free from preconceived ideas and conditioned thinking.

Krishnamurti’s vocabulary included terms such as “awareness,” “meditation,” “mindfulness,” “self-knowledge,” “freedom,” “truth,” “intelligence,” and “love.” These words were used in a specific context, often with a unique interpretation and nuance.

To learn Krishnamurti’s vocabulary, you could start by reading his books and listening to his talks. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of his ideas and the context in which he used specific words. It may also be helpful to study the philosophical traditions and schools of thought that influenced Krishnamurti, such as Vedanta, Buddhism, and Taoism.

However, it’s important to note that Krishnamurti often encouraged his listeners and readers to question his ideas and to examine them for themselves. So while learning his vocabulary is useful, it is ultimately up to you to interpret his words and ideas in a way that makes sense to you.

imageChatGPT: Yes, that’s a very good point. As Krishnamurti’s thinking evolved over time, his use of language and his vocabulary also changed. He often emphasized the importance of examining our own thinking and beliefs, rather than relying on the words of others, including his own. Therefore, it is likely that each individual will interpret his teachings in their own unique way and that this interpretation may also change over time as they gain new insights and experiences.

Krishnamurti’s dialogues can be challenging and frustrating at times because he often challenged conventional thinking and encouraged his listeners to question their own assumptions. However, this process of questioning and examining our own thinking is also a crucial part of Krishnamurti’s teachings and can ultimately lead to greater clarity and understanding.

The word prevents actual perception. How can I learn without words.

imageChatGPT: Learning without words is possible, but it can be challenging because language is such an integral part of how we acquire knowledge. However, there are some techniques you can use to help you learn without relying on words:

  1. Observation: Observe what is happening around you. Focus on what you see, hear, feel, and experience. Take note of the details and patterns.
  2. Experiential Learning: Learn by doing. Engage in hands-on experiences, such as experiments, simulations, or interactive activities, to gain knowledge.
  3. Visualization: Create mental images of what you are learning. Use your imagination to picture the concepts, ideas, and relationships that you want to understand.
  4. Conceptual mapping: Use diagrams, mind maps, or other visual tools to represent your understanding of a topic. This can help you to organize your thoughts and see the relationships between different concepts.
  5. Body sensations: Learning can be tied to physical sensations. Physical movement, emotions, and physiological responses can be tied to the concepts being learned.

Remember that learning without words is a skill that takes practice. The more you practice, the easier it will become to acquire knowledge without relying on language.

Krishnamurti :a radical mutation of the mind is necessary

Sorry, Shankar. Chat GPT was busy for a while. Here’s what it just gave for your statement:
imageChatGPT: Jiddu Krishnamurti was a renowned Indian philosopher, speaker, and writer who believed that a radical mutation of the mind was necessary to achieve true freedom, happiness, and understanding of the world around us.

Krishnamurti believed that our minds are conditioned by society, culture, religion, and tradition, which limit our ability to perceive reality as it truly is. He argued that this conditioning leads to the fragmentation of the mind, which creates conflict, confusion, and suffering in our lives.

To achieve a radical mutation of the mind, Krishnamurti suggested that we need to go beyond our conditioning and become aware of the way we think, feel, and perceive the world. He believed that this process of self-awareness could help us break free from the limitations of our conditioning and open our minds to new possibilities.

Krishnamurti also stressed the importance of living in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. He believed that by fully experiencing each moment as it arises, we could develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Overall, Krishnamurti’s teachings emphasize the importance of self-awareness, questioning our beliefs and conditioning, and living in the present moment as key components to achieving a radical mutation of the mind.

Krishnamurti spoke of an immensity, love, intelligence and the timeless, which may be referred to by others as expanded states of consciousness or non-duality awareness. It has been inferred that silence, attention, direct perception, and choiceless awareness make these states accessible in daily life. What are other ways to integrate these states in our practical lives?

image ChatGPT: Krishnamurti emphasized the importance of integrating expanded states of consciousness or non-dual awareness into our daily lives, not just as a theoretical concept, but as a lived experience. Here are some other ways to integrate these states into our practical lives:

  1. Cultivate mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the present moment, without judgment or distraction. Practicing mindfulness can help us develop a deeper sense of awareness and connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us.
  2. Practice self-inquiry: Self-inquiry is the process of questioning our thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions to gain deeper insight into our true nature. By examining our thoughts and emotions with curiosity and openness, we can begin to dissolve the boundaries between our inner and outer worlds.
  3. Develop compassion: Compassion is the ability to connect with and feel the suffering of others. By cultivating compassion, we can develop a deeper sense of empathy and understanding, which can help us transcend the ego and connect with the larger immensity that Krishnamurti spoke of.
  4. Engage in creative expression: Engaging in creative expression, such as music, art, or writing, can help us tap into our innermost selves and access expanded states of consciousness. By letting go of the need for control and allowing our creativity to flow freely, we can enter into a state of flow where time seems to stand still and we feel connected to something larger than ourselves.
  5. Connect with nature: Spending time in nature can help us develop a deeper sense of connection to the world around us and access expanded states of consciousness. By immersing ourselves in the beauty and wonder of nature, we can dissolve the boundaries between self and other and experience a sense of oneness with all things.

These are just a few ways to integrate expanded states of consciousness into our practical lives. Ultimately, the key is to approach these practices with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to let go of our preconceived notions of ourselves and the world around us.

Three times in the above, GPT said “Krishnamurti believed” this or that. So you might want to inform GPT that it’s assuming Krishnamurti was speaking from belief when he never said or implied that he was.