Becoming is ..grasping

Eating them is succombing to them?

If it was only a bedside manner, we’d all be laughing at each other’s, and we’d be harmless.

We take manners more seriously than life itself.

The only way to know if we have this potential is to be living proof of it, and if there’s anything I can do to bring that about, it’s to get out of the way…and I can’t do that while sustaining the illusion of I.

In fact, I can’t do anything but assert my existence, and I need time-off from this infernal task, but since time-off is the death of I, I have dreams.

What is outside you that is not inside you?
Who is grasping the body/mind/ ego or the real
You? What is grasping? What is happiness?
Sorry for the questions😁

Hello Bob !

Could you please paste my question along without your post cause the way the platform is displaying I can’t discern at what question are you referring?

Crina, aren’t you asking a ‘self’ reinforcing question? What is the ‘self’ going to do with the question other than make up an answer? Is there observation that is not ‘self’ doing the observation?

Yes the question can reinforce the I or, it can expose the I, which is: observing what the I is trying to do in order to escape the question.

Or is the creation of the question the first step in escaping?

Everything can be an escape up until it is seen as such.

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When the desire (habit) to escape is strong enough, seeing it might not end it. Even if you see that the snake is a rope, something in you might choose to take it for a snake. That something might (probably does) dwell in the unconscious mind, thoughts-feelings beyond your awareness.

When the interest in finding out is greater than the fear of finding out, finding out is inevitable.

When the brain realizes it is actually looking at a stick it is immediately correcting the error by replacing the word snake with the word stick. The brain catches a small error like finding a misspelled word. Once cleared, this error releases the fear back into memory. Fear returns to its place, in a suppressed and hidden state.
So yes, this error in the brain or of the brain is not liberating the brain from fear(s)

Yea, the interest in finding out …is like a an act of illumination of the fear and its hiding strategies.

More likely, probably, but inevitable might be wishful thinking?

:sweat_smile: or another escape :smirk:

Well, K is taking about the seeing of the whole and not of the part. So in the snake and stick analogy ( funny enough it happened to me in a park few years ago) it is partial seeing ( even though this analogy is used to suggest the seeing of the whole ).

But seeing fear acting is a deeper seeing …
Which makes me ask : is fear the mechanism based on which or with which brain operates ?

That makes sense for a mentally ‘healthy’ person with a relatively benign unconscious, but for people who are neurotic and whose unconscious is driven by dysfunctional desires and habits (i.e. 99% of us), seeing the root/insubstantiality of the fear might not dispel it. The mind of such a person might have no actual desire to dispel the fear! Fear is arousing, some people like it.

Fear is doubtless a key property of brains. And it serves a crucial purpose: survival. But the brain has other key properties, reducing it to just fear seems like an oversimplification?

‘Fear’ is intelligence when it keeps you from getting eaten by a tiger, when it operates to keep the body from harm. Where things went wrong and why I’m here is that somewhere along the line that intelligent process that makes us run away from a hungry tiger (we call ‘fear’) has entered the mind and arises in much less dire circumstances: making a faux pas at the club, etc.:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: (wait ….I’m not in a club)

Yes, fear has gone overboard in the psychological realm. It’s like an alarm system with a savior complex protecting the feelings of an entity made in large part of smoke and mirrors.

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You callin me “smoke and mirrors” partner?:cowboy_hat_face:

Sorry for the misunderstanding. You are self evidently an inherently existing entity, the REAL thing. You are the pristine primordial pure One Dan, without a second. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: