Becoming is ..grasping

I just asked my self why do I become ?
And the answer is: I stretch out to grasp …for a happier … Crina

Does the grasping work, do you become happier?

Is it this way: the self’s desire to become, to be happy, safe, secure, fulfilled , its desire to be connected to the world, to be attached, to not be lonely, to not be alone, etc; that this keeps the brain prisoner and ineligible to “participate in the Immensity”, as JK and DB called ‘it’ in one of their talks?

….Ineligible to participate in the “ecstasy of
solitude “?


of course not, I grasp an image which I form and re-form indefinitely

CORRECTION: I think I grasp !!!..

We all seem to comprehend that it is just what the self does (me want what me think good) - its like asking why does the stomach digest food.

So why is there still a problem? Do we want these biological, chemical and psychological processes not to function? (Me want feel not what me feeling?)

Whats the confusion/resistance? Can I not be free of biological and mental signals?

Sometimes, as an ex smoker, I feel that just because the thought : “me want cigarette” goes through my mind, that I must jump in my car and drive to the cigarette shop.

The stomach digests food cause it has food to digest ?
The “me” digests images cause it creates them

CORRECTION: The “me” can’t digests images cause it creates them

Is there anything inherently harmful/painful about doing that?

Is there anything inherently good about being an unquenchable well of selfishness? An unstoppable robot that must act on its desires?

Maybe not, but we are happy that there is no black hole within this solar system. We are happy that no powerful AI has been tasked with maximising paperclips yet.

Being like mindless golems running on a program (ie. me get what me want) is not sustainable. Is a sad affair if we actually have a potential for intelligence, love and compassion - if not then we are not responsible for all the violence and destruction.

Is there anything inherently bad about mindless golems ransacking each other and the planet?

Relatively bad for sure, relative to the predominant moral code and to survival. But inherently?

Yes it’s the tragedy of living and dying in ignorance and therefore not “participating in the Immensity” which has been suggested , is our possibility.

Do you see how confusing it gets when I say “the self’s desire” instead of just “desire”? The self is just an image, an illusion, a thought. Desire, though, is a powerful emotion that generates images that incite pleasure and the fear that follows.

its desire to be connected to the world, to be attached, to not be lonely, to not be alone, etc; that this keeps the brain prisoner

It seems to me that fear is what keeps us in prison, but it’s desire that lures us into it.

as you yourself seem to understand value is in relationship. speaking of inherent value is just nonsense.

Beauty and love are gifts. Those that spread the opposite are pain.

That sounds creative. What’s wrong with it? Is it a problem? Are you interested in what you’re doing or have you passed judgment on it?

[quote=“rickScott, post:9, topic:2554”]
Relatively bad for sure, relative to the predominant moral code and to survival. But inherently? [/quote]

Inherently on Earth…maybe not on some other planet.

  1. Are you open to the possibility that it’s not?

  2. Are you open to the possiblity that nonsense has value?

  3. Are you resting comfortably in what you ‘know?’

For all you or I know, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. And what do you or I, being self-centered brains, know of love?

You are hilarious @Inquiry

I guess the problem is not that I am creative, but is that I succumb to my creations.

Sounds like someone got out on the wrong side of the bed :sleeping_bed:?

Does me create them to eat them, or must me eat them because it’s the nature of a cycle to eat itself as it moves?

Is it the cycle of prediction.

If I don’t know what to expect, everything I do is guesswork and wishful thinking, which is never good enough.

So why doesn’t it stop? Must it end with an appalling or appealing demise, or does it stop without a thought?

Yes - sorry for my attitude (ie. my terrible bedside manner)

PS. Resistance would be a terrible sign (of fear rather than curiosity)