A relationship with thought.
I can understand some people don’t want to look into this, and put it down to platitudes, but what is this thing called thought? I can say there are memories, daydreaming, theories, ideas, etc, but what is this relationship with thought? Why am I wandering off in thought all the time, not really at peace with a quiet mind? I am not asking about day to day business, using thought to get jobs done, etc. It is a question of a restlessness, which is filled with TV, internet, phone calls, hobbies, coffee shops, browsing, chatting, and the like, just passing time.
Apart from using thought as a tool, are the idle thoughts and their responses, a fundamental reaction? I might think I have better life, controlling emotion, sentiment, and sorrow, with apathy or rebellion. This is avoiding the condition, if it is there or not. Is there an underlying human condition, which is in fact a reaction? Is what we have, a life in a reactionary relationship, managed and organized with thought?
It is said this reaction is based in what we are calling thought. The process of looking at things and naming them is a division, and this is fundamentally a schism between an observer and the observed. It is this break which psychologically we are trying to solve, to repair, and have adapted religion and society to address this division. What we call romance is one such false relationship we have designed to replace true relationship.
The disturbance is not the content of thought, memory, etc, it is the false relationship with thought. I will have an opinion, my perspective, theories, logic, knowledge, etc, and will stick with this, no matter what any one says, because self expression is the way of thought I am familiar with.
The thoughts are a habit. It is not a question of analysis and solving it. I don’t have to discover it, it has already been pointed out by someone. It is not cause and effect, and something I can avoid. It is there. It is a question of observation, and addressing the preoccupation with thought. Watching, attentively, seriously, see what happens.