Perhaps the number one factor that Krishnamurti emphasised towards the end of his life especially, was that our consciousness is not separate from the consciousness of the entire human consciousness. He felt that we are not, in essence, individuals, but that we are each one of us representatives of the whole of mankind, and that our consciousness is not ‘yours’ or ‘mine’ but human consciousness. This means that when we suffer or enjoy it is not our personal suffering or enjoyment, but the sorrow and joy of a human being, of humanity as a whole.
This means that our responsibility is not just for ourselves as individuals, but for all human beings, for humanity as a whole. This is something to be understood, perceived, not merely acted upon as a duty or willed into being. It involves having a global perception of what our consciousness is.
Krishnamurti said that to have this perception of the whole - the feeling in one’s blood that one is not an individual but the entire humanity, that one represents the whole of human consciousness - is itself transformative.
He also said that if one can have an insight that transforms one’s consciousness, that ends suffering, that empties consciousness of its content, such an insight contributes something infinitely precious to global human consciousness.
And that, conversely, if we do not end our suffering through insight, if we do not empty our consciousness, then we are helping to continue the stream of content of consciousness - with its pain, suffering, conflict, despair, etc - in the world. To die to this content of consciousness is to bring about a totally new beginning, a new dimension of consciousness.
I am attaching several short(ish) videos that outline this topic:
(48 secs)
(1 min, 30 secs)
(10 mins, 10 secs) This video addresses the fact that the crisis in the world is a crisis in consciousness, and that this crisis in consciousness is a global crisis, not local to ourselves as individuals:
(5 mins, 21 secs) This video suggests that by bringing about a transformation in our consciousness we contribute something significant to human consciousness as a whole:
(1 min, 47 secs)
(4 mins, 42 secs) This video looks at how if an individual who lives within the stream of human consciousness can investigate their own suffering clearly, without escaping from it, they can have an insight which is not of the stream:
(5 mins, 54 secs) What is death in relation to this fact of common consciousness (which Krishnamurti says we are)? - “Where there is an ending, there is a totally different beginning”:
Krishnamurti also said that the realisation or perception that one is not separate from the rest of humanity is already a revolution (60 second clip):