What Is truth?

What is falsehood and truth?

truth is exact correspondence with reality, not just world reality, but mainly your own.

There is no proper description to truth, as it is a complicated phenomenon happening in our surroundings.

Falsehood is self-evidently untrue, or what credible evidence indicates/demonstrates did not happen. Truth is an ideal. We may never know the whole truth, but if one can perceive or verify what is false, thatā€™s enough.

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ā€˜Falsehoodā€™ and ā€˜truthā€™ make us feel safe and solid and in control.

Falsehoodā€™ and ā€˜truthā€™ make us feel safe and solid and in control.

If this is true, weā€™re lying to ourselves.

We know from experience that we can believe and act on what is not true, so if we canā€™t ascertain what is false or dubious, we canā€™t help but be inveterate liars.

Truth is unknown . How can we discuss something that we donā€™t know? We know what falsehood is because we live in it. We live in the image that thought has created. Fear has created the self-image . The self-image is the falsehood that runs our lives.

I lie to myself all the time. Sometimes I know Iā€™m doing it, probably most of the time Iā€™m unaware.

I donā€™t understand how you can know what is false without knowing what is true. It seems to me that these are opposites that co-create each other, like light and dark. ?

By means of the scientific method and close examination of historical evidence, weā€™ve learned that much of what we believed to be true, is false. We know that we jump to conclusions and that weā€™re biased and prejudiced, more inclined to believe than to doubt.

The only truth we know is the falsehood we can verify. Truth and falsehood are not opposites.

If believing is the path of least resistance and of most pleasure-familiarity, it will lure most of us in.

I still donā€™t see how you can know ā€œX is falseā€ without knowing what ā€œX is trueā€ means. False = not-true. Maybe give me a real-world example of being able to know ā€œX is falseā€ without knowing what ā€œX is trueā€ means? No fair using something like ā€œThe barren woman has a son.ā€ :wink:

Itā€™s true that X is false.

  1. Itā€™s true that original sin is false.

  2. Equivalent to: Original sin is false.

  3. To be able to know that original sin is false, you would have to know what original sin is true means: that every person born inherits a state of sin from Adam.

What am I missing?

Huh? A number of messages that appeared after the current last msg (above this) disappeared! Anyone know what happened?

No one can prove that God doesnā€™t exist, that original sin is false, or that any number of things never happened or are even possible. As it stands, all we can know is what evidence and experimentation proves or demonstrates.

Being so nakedly aware that there is nothing between awareness and environment is as good as it gets.

We live in the image that thought has created. Fear has created the self-image . The self-image is the falsehood that runs our lives.
Is there an opposite to self-image? No

What you said. :slight_smile:

Ah, I understand. Thanks for the explanation. :slight_smile:

To see the truth in falsehood that one lives in is the action of intelligence.

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Why limit it to the self-image? Isnā€™t any image or idea we believe to be a true and accurate representation of actuality a distortion, a falsehood?