Direct perception is not real for those of us who have to respond to the challenge of the moment by choosing a response.
What I meant was that seeing is not an entity by itself. Seeing is always in relationship . I can see something “as is” when there is no comparison with something else…
So if I’m looking at something and not seeing it, it’s because I’m bringing something else into the picture for the purpose of comparison?
This is confusing. Everything is always in relationship, so it goes without saying. But what you seem to be saying is that we don’t see what actually is because we see things in relationship to our ideals, biases, hopes, fears, etc., thereby distorting what we see.
The word “to see” means nothing by itself. To see what?
Take the word “awareness” . There are schools of awareness but awareness of what?
You are not answering , to see what? To be aware of what? That word " what " is important not" to see". There is no seeing per se except in the dictionary as a verb.
It doesn’t matter what you’re seeing. What matters is that you you’re not blind.
Not blind to what? Even physically blind people can see the logic of what is being said.