How about starting a thread that explores something by moving from fact to fact to fact, staying with public facts (things we can pretty much all agree on) rather than private facts (my unique experience)?
Many of the threads do this already, but not strictly. Imagine a sign above the door to the thread: Abandon all speculation, ye who enter here!
The definition we (James and I) have suggested for the group is: obvious, conventional facts (truths), what has happened and what is happening. You can think of a fact as something that is clearly and obviously true for pretty much everyone. James, does that sound okay?
Not quite. I said that hurt is an actuality in the field of reality.
It is an actuality because the pain is real. There really is something going on the mind and body to produce the sensation of pain we call “hurt”. So pain is actual, its not just a mental image. Pain is pain, however it got there.
However, the pain of psychological hurt is created by the image I have (in this example) about my country, or about the image I have about myself in relation to the image I have about my country (which is a process identification). All of this is put together by thought. It is not actual: the image I have in my mind about the nation is an abstraction, a mental image. There is no “nation”, only individual people who are united through a common process of mental identification. Right? So nationalism is a reality created by thought. Right? Nationalism does not exist independently of thought.
Yes, fine. Unique private experiences might be a subset of common private experiences that we can consider on a case by case basis.
So, for instance, the feeling of being lonely - in the moment of feeling lonely - is also a private fact, right? Yet it is a common enough phenomenon that we can call it a fact (even though nobody - unless they are very sensitive or perceptive - can see that I am lonely in the moment that I feel lonely).
So the problem is that I don’t discern the difference between what is created by thought, and what actually is. I say “don’t” because if one does discern the difference, one is no longer bound by that ignorance; one is free
Yes, this is how I understand it. If one could only live with facts, with actualities, then one would no longer be a prey to ignorance (of the psychological kind) and the suffering ignorance brings.
But we are conditioned to experience certain contents of our thinking as though they were facts, actualities, and then suffer (or enjoy) because of them.
Awareness of what our brains are doing daily (due to thought, due to our conditioning) gives us the opportunity to see these contents for what they are. So that if they are just thoughts, just habits of thought, we can drop them (not through will of course, but simply by becoming aware of them objectively, factually - the seeing is the doing, etc).
If all the person means is a moment of being taken ‘outside of themselves’ when looking at a sunset or when surfing, or a ‘second wind’ when running, then I think that’s acceptable. But anything more exotic than this we would probably have to pause it or say ‘no’ to for now.
Why? What is the cut off point and how is it determined? Is it when the person defines the experence as being Spiritual? For example when koans, meditation, crystals, or past life regression is involved?
If so aren’t we still in the realm of interpretation, relationship and belief?
If I get a second wind, when running, is that okay because it remains a mystery for me?
The problem as far as I’m concerned, is that the “mystical experience” makes one an authority - part of this includes building a secret altar to the memory of it in a secret part of our mind. Thats one reason I started a topic here which is either of no interest or taboo. (of course some seem to clamour their authority out loud, setting themselves apart from those that have not seen - this seems even more worrying)
I think it is fair to say that half of the people on Kinfonet have at least made allusions to the fact that they have had some sort of “experience” of altered consciousness. The thing that is difficult to determine is the effect that it had on their personalities - I’m betting none (the crazies are just as crazy, the confused just as confused, and ditto for the well-behaved)
Maybe there has been a misunderstanding? I felt that all that was being discussed was whether we could experiment - on some not-yet begun hypothetical future thread - with staying with the immediate facts of our daily experience, our daily actualities. And that to keep this hypothetical future thread focussed, we would agree not to bring in any ‘extra’ or speculative ideas unless they seemed absolutely fitting and relevant.
This topic refers to the following question:
So it was merely a proposal for a hypothetical future thread, as I understand it. It was not meant as a proposal to govern all future threads!
So on this hypothetical future thread, the “spiritual experiences” that you mention would be classified as “unique private experiences”. These - we said - would be
The common private experiences - such as loneliness, etc - would be the base level for our conversation, because loneliness (etc) is something everyone has experienced.
Whereas experiencing one’s past lives is a relatively rare private experience, and would have to be considered on its own merits separately (which is why I suggested that - on this hypothetical future thread - we would press “pause” on that topic, or say “no” to it, as it would be a distraction from the stipulated challenge of moving from daily fact to daily fact).
It is certainly possible that in the middle of this hypothetical future thread (in which we are moving from fact to fact) that suddenly one of us begins to have a full blown ‘spiritual experience’, and then we would be forced to consider this.
But, I ask you, how likely is it that, during such a hypothetical future thread, one of us suddenly, without any warning, begins to channel their former lives and livestream this experience directly to the rest of us?! Yes, anything is possible here, but - really?
I know that there are some people here who claim to have experienced their past lives, but how are we to assess such a claim on a thread about daily facts? Given what we know about the human tendency, isn’t the greater likelihood of such claims that they are deluded, hallucinatory, false? The unconscious is a marvellous reservoir of imaginative resources, chocked full of artefacts from the near and distant past, with archetypes and memories galore, racial memories, collective memories, personal traumas, latent psychic or extra-sensory perceptions, etc. Who needs actual past lives when the brain can invent them from the whole stream of past memory, right?
However, if there is such a thing as actual past (and future) lives, then this would require exploring on its own terms. And for that we would probably require a separate thread.
So, for the sake of keeping the hypothetical future thread (dedicated to moving from fact to fact) relatively grounded, we are merely suggesting that we would press “pause” on those kinds of unique private experiences - and that if such experiences (such as past lives) really need full expression, then there is no reason why they cannot be expressed separately on a thread of their own. Would this not be fair to request?
@sivaram you seem to making the same mistake as me : comparing unrelated statements out of context.
For example : “Love is the desire in the field of reality” is not a statement of absolute truth - it could be said to be meaningless even - it only has meaning in a context.
It was said in a different context, I agree but Jiddu might have been careful with his wording.
Jiddu said in some video that, “Love is the desire in the field of reality”.
James previously said that, " Hurt is an actuality in the field of reality"
In both the above statements there is an usage of the word “reality”. I got a comparison between these two statements, as you said.
James shared me the following definitions as I asked him,
Now, I got that curiosity to know,
What is actuality?
What is fact?
What is reality?
What is lie?
What is the difference between lie and reality?
What is the difference between truth and fact?
If someone had some understanding, please do share.
This is so obviously wrong that only context can save it. For example, if the word “love” means “desire” in this particular statement. It doesn’t matter that K said it.