What do you mean?..
Having no self image and just living the life as it is without any motive, goals and attachments.
That’s what you mean by “godly appearance”?
When you realize it’s impossible to imagine no self-image, what happens?
Do you see what I’m trying to get at? I want to have no self-image, but I can’t exist without a self-image until or if I don’t need images for anything but communication. Presently, all ll I can do is communicate with imagined beings because I am imagery itself. I hate this condition but I’m incapable of imagining anything more or less than what I am. Unless I stop completely, I’m doomed to continue until death.
Yes sir, as it frees the mind from this society. To be honest, when I questioned myself I recognize some of them in my thought process mostly. It is difficult not to be my imagination but I get sometimes your reply in my head these days, when something imagination has been recognized.
It is difficult to communicate with people having image.
At least mind is aware of its own limitation, in our cases. It will not help us completely, of course.
From your answer, it doesn’t seem like this short video of Krishnamurti speaking resonated deeply with you. I mean, wasn’t he talking about something really revolutionary here?
Wasn’t he always talking about “something really revolutionary”, i.e., the radical transformation of the human brain?