We will never know about K's private life

The only thing that we know from Krishnamurti is what he said…

Not true.

Read Mary Zimbalist’s detailed, exhaustive account of the years she spent with Krishnamurti.

Words are never the thing but somehow we take it for the thing…

It’s not so much the words of those many biographies, but what are between the lines that are most revealing of K’s private life.

re: “It’s not so much the words of those many biographies, but what are between the lines that are most revealing of K’s private life.”

Not to be rude, but why do you guys care about his life?

Years ago, how a man lived his life bestowed credibility to his words. But not so much these days in the era of Trump.

If you ever cared to read biography, you’d know.

re: “Years ago, how a man lived his life bestowed credibility to his words.”

If you come to a crossroads and want to go East, you go in the direction of the arrow that points East. You don’t waste time trying to find out about the arrow that points East.

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Not to be rude, but why do you read crossroad signs?

re: “Not to be rude, buy why do you read crossroad signs?”

Your post is non sequitur and silly.

When you fail to see its relationship with post 4/11

K did keep a diery for a while. I only listen to what comes out of the horse’s mouth. What others say about their experience with k has no value to me because it depends on the state of their mind.

That’s a closed-minded state of mind.

It can’t do any harm to know what others have said about K, and it’s bound to be interesting, if for no other reason, to see your reaction to it.

You who are in open-minded state ! Keep making an image of K for yourself therefore become a closed minded soon.

Between the line of a written book is nothing but empty space.