Universal mind?

Do it! That way this thread can drift back to its original theme: universal mind.

Ja. You might be placing mind outside the universe, or somehow separate from everything else, if we accept co-dependant origination. Mind would be the only thing that exists independantly (special pleading must be demonstrated not to be a fallacy)

Not sure how this stands given the new Quiet Mind thread? You could establish common ground for everyone in your opening for the QM thread, help things stay on track.

Aha! I see. I think each Kinfonet member needs a universal decoder ring (UDR) that translates what is said to something intelligible for the ring wearer. Do we all have our own language?

Is the original expression in words from the Teaching only thought? I don’t see as such.
Here is thought in function from something more than itself.

It seemed that you did understand my meaning - you even recognised the school of thought. I am just telling you what you are meaning :innocent:

There’s a lovely thread that has just opened up titled “Why talk at all?” I’m certain your contributions would be greatly appreciated there.

Yes! It would probably be good if I understood what I was talking about, right? :wink:

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Are we saying that there is no obvious relation between the quiet and the universal mind?
Also how do we discuss something if we don’t know what it is? What other clues do we have apart from this quiet mind business (if it is one)?

Where there is a fixed object, a motive makes complete sense. If you were a fixed and stationary object, never changing, then the motive to meet you and talk with you would make perfect sense because then I am just dealing with a mechanical object. But because you are not fixed, because you are a living human being, my approaching you with any motive in mind means that I am the one who is acting mechanically. And if I am acting mechanically in relation to you, I am obviously acting mechanically in relation to the rest of the world.

So I don’t want to meet you. That’s the first thing to realise. You are a living human being. Something else must take place between two living beings that can’t take place when we view one another through our motives, which is to look on each other mechanically. It is the mechanical mind that wants to meet another mind, explain another mind, understand another mind, including all the various concepts we throw at one another.

Our dialogue, therefore, if it is to make any sense at all, must be from the universal mind at the very start. (Are we allowed back in, now?)

From my way of understanding this, ‘my’ mind / brain has no chance of silence, emptying, etc unless there is an ‘awareness’ of what thought, feeling is actually occupying it at any given moment. This awareness or “attention” is the major focus of the K ‘teaching’. It does not arise by itself out of the blue. It is for us to experiment with, to ‘try’. As I see it it is his “just do it sir!” The ‘quiet mind’ is the end of suffering and fear but talking about it without working at it misses the major point which is to “do it!”.

I honestly didn’t understand the three types of quiet that Rick talked about - which were

… so I don’t know how these relate (if at all) to the three types of movement I spoke about in the post I quoted from above?

If it is something actual, not merely a hypothetical concept or the product of an over-excited imagination, then it must be possible for the average human brain to move immediately from the conditioned limitations of the mechanical to the infinite freedom of the universal. In other words, one can test it out directly, not by jumping to an idea of what the universal means but by negating entirely every meaning imposed or suggested by the mechanical mind. On the one hand, we don’t know a thing about the universal mind; but on the other hand, we know even less about the mechanical daily mind, precisely because it is something we are living in and putting up with every single day. There is something terribly wrong in our whole approach to this if we believe it is possible to move from where we are to a much better place. This belief is also the product of the mechanical mind. To find out about the universal it demands only that we cease being mechanical at every level of our being. The cessation of our mechanical way of living is therefore only possible when we stop doing anything about it. Then one starts to notice the reality of the mechanism, which always includes a hidden observer, a judge, a censor, a controller. Once we see this reality for what it is, the observer has no place to hide. It is this observer who keeps the mechanical processes going. But when the observer is exposed, its whole purpose is destroyed. It can only maintain a mechanical facade while it is hidden. Exposed, there is no further use for it.


Funny, I thought these were clear, goes to show how subtle these things are.

Type 1: The mind is empty, no objects are present in consciousness. Normally this state occurs during sleep, but in meditation you can be awake and object-free.

Type 2: The mind is immersed in a task. The quietness is in the lack of intrusive thoughts.

Type 3: The mind is not empty, objects come and go, but are not held onto.

There might be another type of quiet mind: a mind that is not grounded in the egoic self.

The idea of cessation of the mechanical, and of the quiet mind, seem like synonyms. And if I understand them correctly, they imply that we are already in touch with the universal mind - just that it is not available to us.

Why are we calling it universal mind - rather than say : reality, what is? Is a rock or a rabbit in universal mind? or is there something special about us/our brain?

Can a petty local mind with it’s nationality, religion and prejudices ever know anything beyond itself?

No that’s the point. Empty the brain / mind of all that, of the self and the brain regains its “infinite potential “. Then the “flowering” is possible, the maturity that the self-image denies.

So the petty mind has to negate itself ,that is negate it’s nationality,negate all groups , political or religious . Which means negate all labels . You know we have so many labels that we have adopted throughout time.

So we believe…

Yes I’m all in…until I find out different.