Was it out of fear ?
Or did thought make a wrong turn as soon as thought said it did?
What do you mean by “as soon as thought said it did”?
What do you mean by" as soon as thought said it did."?
The recognition, the very perception of thought making a wrong turn is just more thought
Are you trying to say that thought hasn’t made a wrong turn and the world is all right as it is with all the wars and antagonisms?
Thought taking the wrong turn doesn’t require recognition of anything but itself. If thought sees the world as itself then that provides a whole different context. So thought sees itself as indifferent to itself (the world), creating violence.
In thinking about this question, new questions arose, such as: How do you determine whether you have taken a wrong turn? Isn’t that always after the fact? Isn’t the question in itself a wrong turn?
Our thinking tools are wrongly dominated by what has already happened.
Does digging into the past help us to change the present?
You can’t determine if you have taken the wrong turn because the thinker is thought.
Thought has taken the wrong turn because there are wars and antagonisms and in our personal relationships there is conflict. That much is clear.
The question is that can thought not to interfere psychologically and merely do the technical things?
A very strange logic you’re handling ’ the dog is chasing his tail stops only when he is tired, not becourse he is seeing it’s his own tail!
What ever pleases you!
That has nothing to do with me!
You’re showing a lack of understanding metaphorical language.
So let me put it in philosophical terms.
In Plato’s cave, the moving shadows are the only point of reference. Only after they have other references they can correctly explain the shadows through the past.
It is indeed a very strange logic by which the dog behaves. In fact, the dog we know and talk about only comes to an end when it is tired. Then he lies down, eats something, can be petted and then something new becomes interesting for him. Even if you told him that he was trying to grab his own tail, he would continue to do so because it was his tail that caught his interest and that tail is the closest thing to him. That would only increase his interest in his own tail. But what if this dog could realize that every movement that makesü him snap his tail is the same movement that makes the tail escape? That his snapping makes him move in a circle? So there is created a form of movement in which he always ends up where he has been in many before? As a dancer, aiming for the tail it would of course be a welcome help for a successful performance, a method to realize the circle. So what, if our dog realized that tail snapping is tantamount to escaping, and that the identity creates the form of movement that tires and brings suffer?
Are there any thing to understand in illusions?