There is confused thinking and there is clear thinking

How does one go from confused or unclear thinking to clear thinking?

K has said the comprehension of disorder is order, something like that… Was K talking about disorderly or confused thinking becoming less disorderly?

It appears so, so is orderly thinking the result of better arrangements of words or is it due to deep insight into chaos from observing the disorder within that causes clarity in ones thinking?

Clear thinking may be required in order for the mind to be able to see beyond the limitations that thought imposes on the organism.

In fact an orderly mind including an orderly true and accurate thought process may be necessary to see things as they are.

What do we say is confused thinking? Is It when thinking projects a ‘thinker ‘ apart from itself? Is psychological thought confused or unclear thinking? Is clear thinking based on ‘fact’, on logic?

Is it confused thinking that I can get or become something psychologically in ‘time’?


Through ‘passively’ observing ones thought process, i.e. learning to observe without any reaction to what one hears, sees and feels…

Pondering over afterwards of course, may be helpful.

Which is attention; right?

This is K-101

Through observation one sees what is arising.
Silently the mind readjusts.

Don’t ask me how?, I’m not a chemist nor am I a neurosurgeon.

When the observer is active one may see the observer acting on the observed and other activities and tricks of thought-feeling-imagining.

Observation is an ability ----> that is learned! Its not magic!

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” ― J. Krishnamurti

So there we have it. K said many times in many different ways…
“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”

Implying that there are other forms of intelligence?

I would say that one form is confused or unclear thinking. Awakening to what is being thought, thinking becomes more clear, developing into seeing things as they are without confusion, a progression if you will.

As a result of observing; Ones mind brain heart becomes more sensitive, more acute with more passion to find out what is true and what is not.

A confidence emerges as the ability increases to see things as they are. Which might could be called the process of unconditioning.

What do we say is confused thinking? Is It when thinking projects a ‘thinker ‘ apart from itself? Is psychological thought confused or unclear thinking? Is clear thinking based on ‘fact’, on logic?

Is it confused thinking that I can get or become something psychologically in ‘time’?

Let me try to answer; confused thinking may be described as a belief, holding something to be true, that is not or may not be true.
When thinking projects a thinker is a good time to watching/observe the action taking place and of course all thinking is psychological, i.e. thinking, feeling, imagining. Yes, clear thinking would be factual/logical.
& yes, becoming is part of confused thinking in psychological time.

Clear thinking doesn’t enable seeing - seeing enables clear thinking. Clear thinking expressed as speech or writing can inspire seeing.

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Exactly & precisely said; observe/see first, describe later on.
Although both may move together; which came first is conjecture.

Got it! Out of nothing, when self talk stops, when that feeling or thought emerges, that I don’t know something or other, that I have no answer, it takes a pause is more like it, at that moment there is nothing happening, thought process has taken a rest… its quiet and curiosity and the ability to find out, emerges out of that, and that urge, no its not even an urge, its a being feeling a certain way, full and then there is just crickets and quietly listening, waiting, which I have heard said is part of meditation and the thing is fully alive and quiet. Loneliness has gone away.

So, some ‘how’ some mechanism or whatever it is has silenced thought, or it has shut the thinking mechanism down some how and it has become able to quietly listen, and it appears to have that ability all the time. Even when thinking is dominant, which may explain how curiosity emerges as chattering declines and fills up when chattering completely stops. I think this is a rather common event for everybody, its happening all the time and we are just not that aware of it occurring while the chattering is going on… and without this ability/activity how would we know the way home etc.

Many have said; its right there in front of you, or its part of you, or it is your essence bla bla bla & there may be some truth to that; its like the end of the need to endlessly chatter for a spell; something like that.
I have no other names for the rest of it but I’m still learning.

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K called it the awakening of intelligence that is going on inside and outside the mind…

The mirror is there publicly available and free as it should be.

Is it happening to you?

I don’t know and probably opinions about the Continuum or timeline are better left unsaid.