There are a lot of meetings to get together and discuss and dialogue. A preference for personal expression has become standard. The other person makes a comparative assessment of what he or she hears or reads, and responds to this. That is actually a reaction.
In a meeting people are expressing themselves. For example, it could be a social, business, or community meeting. People come as they are and talk about their perspectives, interests, concerns and beliefs. The interaction people have can be therapeutic, or it is complicated. It is where each other maybe thinking about some common concern or interest, but they are viewing the world through the prism of their own personal state of mind, conditioning, beliefs, ideals, etc. We see in the way we have been taught to see, and what we have is what we have created, maybe not personally, but socially, culturally, religiously.
People expressing themselves is the repetition of the conventional mind, wanting, searching for something, or inventing something. It is this same mind that has created all the way of life. Mixed up with all of the conditions of a day to day life, this is a complex and confused mind. There is no clarity for the mind to freely look, listen, and respond to a liveliness of the world people share.
People don’t see they are looking at their own self image. They find self expression pleasing, comforting, and think talking about what’s on each others mind is helpful. I have a different reason for talking together. For me there is an urgency of awareness of a free flow of mind. Not your mind, his or her mind, but the mind we all share. It is the mind not distracted by identity, by self image. It is a mind which is alert to all the psychological habits of the conventional mind, and all the separateness and division this has created. It responds freely, not to make claim to some point of view, but because it is obvious what is not free; what is conditioned.
In this meeting, aware of the conditioned mind, there is a free flow of thought. It is not analysis, comparison, contradiction, dichotomy, paradox, and opposition, and all that. It is not expecting explanations and guidance. It is a sharing of the mind common to us all. It is a communication.