The inner and the outer

Why not? What makes you so special and unique that you can speak only for yourself? We are human beings rooted in the verbal. We are the mouthpiece of thought. And thought can only talk about the familiar, the known; it can’t ever break free of the past. Therefore, in order to find out exactly and accurately what we are now and if there any such thing as an intelligence which is undistorted by thought, what shall we do? This is our single most important psychological problem. So what shall we do about it?

Why you are “interested” or “desiring” to ‘find out’ - “who you are” and “what is Intelligence”?

By finding it out, what you gonna do then for rest of your limited life?. Freedom?

There is no ‘freedom’ in ‘finding’. The ‘finding’ itself is bound to ‘limitations’. You cannot find ‘who you are’. But you can reject ‘who you are not’.

Why you are ‘identifying’ yourself as “rooted in verbal”? By making this statement/identification, you are moving away from “what is”.

It’s like saying, the “sun rises in the east”, when it is actually present above/east/west/somewhere else. The ‘rising’ is a “movement” which is not important, to see what it is actually. Likewise, the ‘identification’ of myself as “deep rooted in verbal/conflict/self/sufferings” - makes you bound towards it and no freedom is felt. You don’t know who you are, then why you are ‘identifying’ as this/that, based on ‘time’, i.e. what happened till “now” but not “now”. If you are ‘sticking’ to time i.e. what happened/happening/will happen, you are not free.

Just “STOP” identifying/moving/thoughts/questions/desires/interest/life/time/self/place/sufferings/anger/emotions/feelings. Just “STOP”. Then you can feel ‘freedom’. Then you are not bound to anything anymore.

Also, The true ‘understanding’ is that, "one cannot understand the ‘NOW/Intelligence’, but can only understand the ‘past’, which is useless, so stop understanding ‘Now/intelligence/truth’. It is not a finding out ‘thing’.

By the way,

It is “useless” to find out who ‘he/Viswa/Krishnamurti/anyother person’ is.

Because this is our single most important psychological problem.

Why? Is there a consciousness separate from thought? This is the whole point.

First, why you identify “I/self” as a ‘problem’.

What is a ‘problem’?. A problem is meant that, something is ‘wrong’.

We don’t know “who am I” and how you ‘identified’ ‘me’ as a ‘wrong/problematic’ thing.

And also don’t identify “sufferings” as a problem. It is just an effect/consequence of “desires/attachments”. Also don’t identify ‘desire/attachments’ as a “problem/wrong’ thing.

Only when you “STOP” identifying/thoughts//moving/etc…, only then, you are free to “watch/feel” everything, as it is. Then Intelligence flows.

And ‘you’ are no more.

I can’t think or feel what another person is thinking and feeling. No one, barring telepathy, can. So it’s at best a decent generalization, at worst a highly flawed one for me to speak for anyone but myself.

Thought can help set the scene and interpret the results. Objective scientific-ish observation is useful, but its division of what it observes into subject/object limits it. Intuition is powerful, though open to being distorted by thought.

And so on, and so forth … behold a mind busily at work trying to solve a puzzle of its own making!

That’s why it makes sense that thought must be “denied” in this realm. That it is always a movement away from what is or whatever way you want to express that. Its very movement is a movement away.

Thought’s response to this:

Yeah, well okay, I see the point, but … … … maybe I’m just not doing it right, maybe I need to try a different approach, maybe I’ll get it on the next 1,234,567th try, maybe I, maybe I, maybe l … … …

Sure, until it sees that it’s ‘approach’ is to always get somewhere else. To solve the ‘problem’ in the ‘near future’. When it sees that it is the root of the problem, the root of conditioning, that it’s ‘search’ for freedom, truth, happiness, etc is always a search for an image that it has created and that doesn’t exist. Then it can stop. Then it can leave the brain empty, able to receive the New.

I think the thought is a natural process. Mind is for thinking, trying to stop the thought is impossible and it always slips. The content of the mind can be changed by working on every aspect of our understandings. Jiddu said that mind is for “Thinking”.

I observed a thoughtless state happens “SOMETIMES” inside my system but it occurs without any control. :slight_smile:

May be my reply in the present context is different, as I haven’t read the complete conversation.

So lautet die Theorie. (So goes the theory.) Alas, we humans are great at theory, meh at realization. :wink:

Yes I agree. We’re not talking about “stopping” thought (who is there to stop it?) ‘Denying’ thought is different. When it’s realized that its action moves away from what is , for example moving away from fear, or sorrow, or confusion, etc through substitution…that that movement to change, escape, condemn, only strengthens those conditions , then its movement or activity is denied in order to be totally with ‘what is’.

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Beautiful. That’s all it is. This is the “TRUE” understanding that “thought cannot understand/solve anything, because it has created everything”.

In fact, what you identify as ‘problem’ is nothing but a “previous solution - it made for the previous happening it ‘identified’ as ‘problem’, which is nothing but previous of previous solution it made - and goes on and on and on”. It tries to understand, so it gets caught in the loop. What it identified as ‘problem’ is nothing but sufferings of it’s desires. It’s not a problem. It’s just it’s ‘desire’. Nothing more.

Then thought “STOPS” it’s movement and slowly ends.

There is nothing more to speak about ‘anger/sufferings/anything’. Just “What-is”. No need to find out that thing, but “feel” it.

I edit this, as I’m restricted again with replies. Please @sivaram check it out.

Sure. By the way, the name is “Mahesh”.

Sir, first when we are born, we feel ‘secured’ by the parent’s affection. Then when we grow, we ‘think’ that, only if we are ‘secured’ there is ‘peace’. And so, we form a ‘best friendship’ with a person and don’t want to ‘lose’ them, like our parents. Even the same with ‘toys’. This ‘security’ is the ‘desire’, and we derive pleasure from it. But when days pass, parents/friends/people’s true ‘selfish’ nature is gets revealed to us (Wherever there is ‘self’, there is ‘selfish’ act). We suffer of their act. So, we ‘think’ - we have to move on and find another ‘friend’ - based on ‘give and take’ policy. Even in teenage, we make a GF with this ‘two sided give and take’ terms, and derive pleasure from that ‘security’. Days pass, true nature of their ‘self’ revealed, sufferings, then we ‘think’ to move on to a job for our ‘survival’. (This survival thought itself don’t affect self). But, after we get a job, we ‘think’ we are ‘secured’ by the ‘payment/money’. We pay rent, buy foods,clothes,joy,pleasure by spending money. Days pass, and money starts to run out - as our ‘desire’ for next pleasure of Car/bike/house/investment/returns/millionaire/billionaire increases - and so the “Loan/EMI” too, we suffer. We ‘think’ we are secured by the ‘things’ we bought, but we suffer, so we find a partner, as we ‘think’ we may feel secured of her. Time passes, her true ‘self’ nature revealed, and ‘motivational’ people says, “LIFE is adjustment. Just adjust yourself and ‘give and take’ from her.” THen a child is born, there comes responsibilities to take care of their ‘desires’. Then we run for their ‘desires’ too, and suffer, and also 'apply for more loan for his studies, responsibilities increase. The employer too pressurizes the ‘employee’ in some inhuman/immoral/illegal ways - to earn more ‘profit’ for him, and motivational people says “Adjustment is Life. You can do it.” So, we adjust with him, and we also cannot quit it, as we have “EMI”. We also ‘think’ secured of the own house, so not ‘feel’ to sell it and go back to rental house. Even if we decide, the partner won’t does so bcz of her ‘secured’ ‘thoughts’. Then we enter into inhumane acts - go to greater ‘positions’ - many political pressures, etc… Too much ‘frustrations’ and ‘think’ everything as a ‘problem’. Even in science, they try to find a solution for previous discovery bcz of it’s limitations, and so again find solutions to that limitations by ‘thoughts’

But those are not ‘problems’. It is just what we ‘desire’ as ‘security’ for ‘pleasures’, had shown it’s ‘real’ face of the ‘self’. And we try to solve with another ‘thought’ of ‘security’ - and it goes one after another after another.

The person who raised to ‘positions’ also ‘think’ ‘secured’ of this ‘positions’ - and so there is ‘war’ between nations of this ‘desires’. It is not bcz of ‘soldiers’. It will happen no matter what - even if there is no ‘soldier’ - if the ‘person’ in that ‘position’ feel pleasure and ‘think’ secured of that ‘position’, and don’t want to lose it or give up to another person/country.

So, just “STOP” thinking/moving/questioning/understanding/identifying, so that you can ‘see/watch/observe/feel’ ‘what-is’ – as it is.

“I” cannot stop it.

Before “Stopping” thought, “STOP” interest/desires in objects - as we can see the ‘effects’ of it. Whenever you have free time (more than the repsponsibilities), take a pose to sit and always sit in that position (Like K sits erect). In this pose, “thoughts” have no outward movement, so it just roam around inside and “STOPS” itself. Then ‘feel’ the silence.

As this feel continues for days - “Intelligence/Truth” gets anchored, and ‘thoughts/desires’ power too start decreasing. There is no need of effort to put it down then, as one is ‘strongly’ anchored in it, and not interested in ‘limitedness’.

Yes man, I realized that escaping from fears, aspects which bothers the self will just dissipate the energy inside.

Hi viswa,

It sounds interesting.

can you elaborate on that?

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. The “verbal” means spoken/written language, and that makes it exclusive. I suggest we are rooted in imagery, drama, visual art and music more deeply than “the verbal”.

That’s not really the question. Why do you assume you can speak for yourself? When one says, ‘I am rooted in the verbal,’ for example, it has no meaning at all if those verbal roots remain intact. In the same way, when we are faced with this question of what to do about thought and intelligence, it is pointless for thought to speak about it. So what shall we do about it? Thought will always answer the question before it has found the answer, which is the continuation of thought and the denial of intelligence. Is it possible to find the complete answer first and only then speak about it?

Perhaps you are missing the point. If you are thinking about something, what’s the difficulty? You are thinking. Therefore at that moment you are thought. You and thought are not two separate components.

But these may all be reactions to the verbal. That is what we are trying to find out. After all, can any image exist without a word which is attached to it?