The fallacy of " krishnamurti said at the end of his life that nobody got it"

How does the brain realize that reliance on the thinker / thought process, is only prolonging its confusion?

Is it that the BRAIN doesn’t want to “face the fact” of its own nothingness!
That it doesn’t realize that to be nothing is to be everything?


Is it that the BRAIN doesn’t want to “face the fact” of its own nothingness!
That it doesn’t realize that to be nothing is to be everything?

The brain is not “nothing” - it’s the brain. But it’s caught in thought, so it can only realize something when, for a moment, there is no thought, a moment of clarity that is present when thought is not operating.

When Krishnamurti said that each one of us is nothing, he meant that who I think I and others are, is nothing but thought.

When perception is not direct but distorted by thought, everything is what thought says it is. With self-knowledge, however, the brain is aware of its conditioning and knows it knows nothing but what it can believe, and knows believing is self-deceiving, lying to oneself.


K: “I was telling them this morning—for seventy years that super energy—no—that immense energy, immense intelligence, has been using this body. I don’t think people realise what tremendous energy and intelligence went through this body”

When compared to the immensity of this Universe, the earth is smaller than a particle of sand on sea shore. Almost have no value when compared to the universe. So why that immense energy,immense intelligence should occupy a body that is one among billions and spend time on such a small particle of sand.
Did it affect the whole universe otherwise seems to be meaningless.
A mystery indeed.

Why wouldn’t intelligence, which is beyond the fourth dimension, enlighten a species that had gone astray?

Just wondering why should that intelligence enlighten a species that is miniscule when compared to immensity of universe rather than leave it to process of evolution that has been going on, unless such enlightenment affects the whole universe. In other words does ignorance of human species affect the whole universe ?

For example it is like President of United States spending his time trying to set right one foot of a ant, that was broken while climbing a tree in a remote forest of say Africa. It looks so stupid.

This brain which has evolved here may have an infinite potential. K has stated that when (if) that potential is realized, it can receive Mind. He said when (if) that happens, that the brain IS Mind! So if any of that is so, the ‘wrong turn’ that he and Bohm spoke about the brain taking, and locking itself into a self-image, was (is) a misfortune of ‘universal’ proportion and not just only on the scale of human life, where it has resulted in constant war, division and destruction.

Some of us here are looking into that possibility.

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Intelligence is beyond time.

What we call the “wrong turn” is not just a mistake made a long time ago, but the mistake we make every moment.


Yes,may be true, quite possible ! But what is surprising is that a brain of such infinite potential should have taken a wrong turn ! Probably not aware of its own potential .

Further a single or two brain taking a wrong turn quite possible. Or may be over period of time all ended up taking a wrong turn ? Or as K said it is not your or mine brain but Brain of humanity. Did he mean all brains of human species are connected with each other in someway so action of one affects all !
Quite a puzzle.

It might be worth noting that the oxygen we need to live was mainly produced many millions of years ago by tiny bacteria.
Most of the water we need probably came from rocks flying around the solar system.
The reason humans with brains, or any life at all exists, is due to simple chemicals and fatty substances interacting in different environments a long time ago.

The thoughts we have now owe their existence to what we think of as being lesser thngs than us (like dirt and insects) - these thoughts may now destroy life on this planet or they may conquer the stars.

Whether I think the left side of the universe is better or worse than the right side of the universe is due to how the universe made my brain.