No! That would be silly and really boring! “No past, no path” is what I’m asking for this thread. If that is taken to heart, the conversation changes, maybe for the better?
That was then, the (infamous!) past. Now it’s about (or could be about, if we both agree to go there) why there is the assumption that seeing liberates.
I’m not suggesting we change the course of the discussion 180 degrees with each posting. That would just become another path, The Path of Non-Stop Radical Change! Rather: Let the discussion evolve.
Could we go into the notion of a seeing that liberates? Can this seeing be described, or does it have to be experienced, or is it just a nice story?
That’s an interesting question: Is pathlessness random? Or is ‘random’ a kind of path?
Probably. But maybe at some point Brain will give up trying to make sense in a pathful way?
Probably all sorts of problems would arise with this approach! But it might shine light on new things?
I don’t mean to suggest we should try any of these more out-there approaches here in this thread. That would get really confusing! To keep things (relatively) coherent here, I’m going to make a new thread in which we might discuss ‘experimental’ approaches to inquiry.
The problem with beliefs and any presumption, prejudice, bias, or opinion, distorts perception by limiting it to what you already believe is true. To believe is to close the mind to what the belief can’t abide.
“ Before we go any further I would like to ask you what is your fundamental, lasting interest in life? Putting all oblique answers aside and dealing with this question directly and honestly, what would you answer? Do you know?
Isn’t it yourself? Anyway, that is what most of us would say if we answered truthfully. I am interested in my progress, my job, my family, the little corner in which I live, in getting a better position for myself, more prestige, more power, more domination over others and so on. I think it would be logical, wouldn’t it, to admit to ourselves that that is what most of us are primarily interested in - ‘me’ first?
Some of us would say that it is wrong to be primarily interested in ourselves. But what is wrong about it except that we seldom decently, honestly, admit it? If we do, we are rather ashamed of it. So there it is - one is fundamentally interested Before we go any further I would like to ask you what is your fundamental, lasting interest in life? Putting all oblique answers aside and dealing with this question directly and honestly, what would you answer? Do you know?
Isn’t it yourself? Anyway, that is what most of us would say if we answered truthfully. I am interested in my progress, my job, my family, the little corner in which I live, in getting a better position for myself, more prestige, more power, more domination over others and so on. I think it would be logical, wouldn’t it, to admit to ourselves that that is what most of us are primarily interested in - ‘me’ first?
Some of us would say that it is wrong to be primarily interested in ourselves. But what is wrong about it except that we seldom decently, honestly, admit it? If we do, we are rather ashamed of it. So there it is - one is fundamentally interested in oneself, and for various ideological or traditional reasons one thinks it is wrong. But what one thinks is irrelevant. Why introduce the factor of its being wrong? That is an idea, a concept. What is a fact is that one is fundamentally and lastingly interested in oneself in oneself, and for various ideological or traditional reasons one thinks it is wrong. But what one thinks is irrelevant. Why introduce the factor of its being wrong? That is an idea, a concept. What is a fact is that one is fundamentally and lastingly interested in oneself.”
After reading the reply of inquiry, friends I have some a basic doubts. Share some thoughts on such aspects.
Why prejudice, preconception and opinion are limited in nature? Why these things happen inside us? Can we say that we are completely free from them after listening to Jiddu? Why should we free ourself from such things? Why we create a kind impression on such aspects of mind? What is the motive behind all this analysis? How to decide what is natural and what is not? Is it possible to live without these things in us?
What is difference between the person who is having and the one who is not having them? How to deal with people who are having them? Or how to deal with people who are not having them inside? What is wrong and what is right? Is there any norm to segregate things happening in our society?
As Jiddu said, it is there in most of us. Now my question is why we are participating in these forum discussions? What is the reason behind it? and What could be the possible reasons?
We might be here to have a feeling of belonging to a community whose values matter to us.
We might be here to socialize, interact with like-minded people.
We might be here to learn from others.
We might be here to teach others.
We might be here to hone and reify our worldviews.
We might be here to understand Krishnamurti’s teachings better.
We might be here to put Krishnamurti’s teachings into practice.
We might be here because it keeps us out of the street.
It seems that you have extracted your feeling and transferred them into words intensely, which is a good thing. I am participating in this forum discussion because I get pleasure (changes time to time)for some time while interacting with you people.
Why are we repeating the words of K, instead of talking about the problems and other sorts of things? Why aren’t we bringing words coming from our own conditioning, and culture? What is stopping or controlling us in that direction? Why? What does it mean to involve in a spiritual conversation?