Something exists, thats for sure, but we mainly see aspects of it that pertain to fitness (whether I will make babies that survive to make babies). For example I don’t see microwaves and ultraviolet because these things don’t usually kill me when I’m young, and don’t help me find a mate.
Thats why most people see K as either someone who can provide some useful info (for power and security), or just a useless con artist or madman.
In some ways we are alone in our heads - I think thats why there is this fascination with the special/magical dialogue on kinfonet - because we crave relationship and also because true relationship could be construed as a kind of psychological death.
If I think that K has seen the truth and can give it to me - this is an act of faith - it is not reasonable.
The best is to listen to what K says, without any aprioris - and if you find he never says anything wrong, then either he is a magic being (and a special type of magic being that is never wrong) or your ears and brain are biased.
and if I feel confused by what he is saying, its because it doesn’t fit in with what I already know (the comparison is what confuses) - and if I think I know what he’s taliking about this can mean that I have recognised it as something I already know (doesn’t mean thats actually what he meant) - the most important thing is to listen without motive (difficult) understanding is secondary, belief is not advisable
PS- nearly everything he says is great.
PPS - he was pointing at us (and asking if we can see what is)