Seeing and Believing

“The mind is incapable of observing if there is a motive.”
Madras (Chennai), 15 January 1971

I believe Krishnamurti could see life as it actually is - not in terms of what should or should not be. But I know that believing is pretending to know the truth; truth can’t be seen by the mind that blinds itself with beliefs. I know I can’t see what is true when I believe I know, but without believing, I am nothing, and the thought of being nothing does nothing for me.

But what if the thought of being nothing empowered and inspired me? Would I abandon all belief and joyously cease to exist? Or would I see that I am seeking a new belief to recharge and invigorate my quest to reach the end of questing? I can’t imagine my non-existence, so I can’t seek it.

Can the mind examine its self-imposed limits to see if they serve a necessary purpose? Can it look at its conclusions about what should and should not be, and come to honest terms? Does the mind dare question its long-held and recently acquired beliefs and values? Can a moment of truth illuminate the power of suggestion, and by so doing, eliminate self-deception? Can there be awakening if the dreaming isn’t finished?

This is an insight, something to realise, organically, in the living and breathing, in the mind, and not make it a technique, a method, to apply for some result.

Yes, don’t mistake this for a technique, a method. It’s just a fact that belief is blinding.