
Mam I feel questioning is important but don’t know the particular set of core questions as far as now.
May be its totally depeneded on the situation we are facing.

What is your present ‘core’ question or interest?

Why there is a sort of resistance to accepting the situation as it is?, this is the present question I am having inside. :smile:

What about you mam?

Why there is a sort of resistance to accepting the situation as it is?

Ah yes, this question is quite fundamental for me too. Could you talk about your resistance, give us a sense of how it feels?

What about you mam?

I mostly wonder about what makes things tick: me, other people, animals, plants, trees, stones, the physical world, the mental world, the universe, everything!

My research paper got rejected mam, it is a bit painful for me at the moment. It happened 60 minutes ago, anyways I came out of it and started talking with you. :smile:

Have you faced any situations, like this in your life?

Lots of my things have been ignored or rejected, sure! It can be very painful.

How are you dealing with your situation?

Btw, I am a sir not a ma’am. :slight_smile:

It seems that you have more experience, compared to me. Hope you are dealing with all of them quite well enough.

After chatting with you I watched some Pakistani, Indian, African, and Mexican food videos for some time and finally felt asleep :grin:

Now I have to make some adjustments to my paper and resubmit it to some journal.

Viswa, I did reply to your message from a couple of weeks ago, but if you recall it was you who didn’t reply to me because your account had by that time been deleted again (you seem to forget that the fact of your being banned has consequences not only for you!).

At that time we were discussing - or rather, I was responding to your assertions - about the nature of a religious mind.

You were saying that a religious or enlightened person has no concern about wars, about human suffering, is completely indifferent (“like nature”) to what is going on in the world, and has no compassion. You were saying this because you feel that K was mistaken for being concerned about wars, about human suffering, for not being indifferent to the world and for talking about compassion.

Into this conversation you were bringing up all kinds of extraneous issues, about NATO, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, gun crime, the US dollar, Putin, Zelensky, Ukraine, currency value, the Buddha, Joe Biden, the Arab world, etc. - which I found incoherent and rambling.

In the posts you left on the public forum you were saying that love can co-exist with hate, and bringing in the Buddha and Nagarjuna tangentially to corroborate your assertions - something which I again found incoherent and rambling.

Time is limited, and I have a life like everyone else on the forum. I have work to do, relationships to attend to, and other interests apart from posting here. So, with the best will in the world, I cannot reply to everything that you or another might message me. And on top of this, I find your rambling way of using language, your constant shifting of interests, your tendency to make unsupported assertions, and your background acceptance of traditional Hindu beliefs a difficult concoction to assimilate.

Could I suggest - without sounding rude, but just as a practical matter - that you find someone on the forum who actually “gets” what you are wanting to communicate (as I do not), and begin a discussion with them (rather than me)? There is nothing special about what I have to say that you will not find out through someone else, so you won’t be missing anything. - The important thing is that you begin to actually dialogue with another (if that is what you want), rather than jump around reactively from topic to topic (which is what you are presently doing), and I don’t think I am best placed to do this with you (at least, not on the consistent basis that you are demanding of me).

So, rather than ask me what my intentions are, why not ask this question of yourself? What are you truly wanting out of a discussion here? What does dialogue mean to you? I hope you don’t take offence at my saying these things.

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What is the paper about?

I work on three-phase BLDC motor controllers.
Sir, are you a researcher? can I know your field of work?

I spent the last dozen or so years teaching human-computer interaction and user-centered design. My university degree is in music composition.

So - given up composing music?

No way! I go through periods of no composing, but always seem to come back to it. Working now on building tonal systems based on pitch symmetry. Really interesting results, like exotic food for the ears, strange dense dissonance-rich chords that drift in and out of conventional tonality.


Like Shoenberg?..

Maybe early, when he was still grappling with tonality vs. atonality, like Verklaerte Nacht. Or Webern, Entflieht auf leichten Kähnen. Or, even better, Messiaen’s organ music.

Messiaen 25 minute organ solo

The above has been removed from my Napster playlist forever - I am now considering some tunes by Miley Cyrus.


began listening to this music and it reminded one of certain kinds of films that one began to watch which might be a good backdrop for such music, like entering a spooky old gothic ruin of a castle filled only with cobwebs, candles, a creepy doorman, and a vampire hiding in the wings :upside_down_face:

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Messiaen was the devoutest of devoutest Catholics, hence: L’Ascension.

So, yes, great musique for a FaM^ horror movie!

^ frankincense and myrrh


No. 1, had to google FaM to realize you might have meant “trending now”… you and your internet lingo abbrevs… lol

Actually, one was recalling more of Vincent Price or B. Lugosi styles, one doesn’t watch the modern uptakes on horror films, have never seen Saw, Jigsaw, Scream, even Psycho etc., I doubt they play organ music in the background of those… *G One has seen a commercial for Hitchcock’s “Psycho” with a knife coming down in the famous “shower scene” and the background music was a shrieking sound duplicating the knife in the shower scene.

I’m sure they’re FMTYEWTK!

Actually, one was recalling more of Vincent Price or B. Lugosi styles, one doesn’t watch the modern uptakes on horror films, have never seen Saw, Jigsaw, Scream, even Psycho etc., I doubt they play organ music in the background of those…

There’s a great low-budget horror movie you might like called Carnival of Souls (1962) that has a solo organ sound track, very eerie, I sometimes think of it when I’m writing my organ-isms.