Mimicking Krishnamurti

I am with you for the most part Inquiry. Anyone interested in Krishnamurtis teachings should be open to feedback and others sharing what they see (the mirror of relationship). I think it is helpful and has a place, and why I chimed in myself.

But it can be done with care and compassion or it can be done with callousness and coldness. I think it is important to try to do it with care and compassion and respect.

But I agree with you, it is very important to know what we are doing, for there is indeed consequences.

I don’t want to interrupt your wrapping, but I wrapped it up a long time ago. As I said in a previous post, It pains me to realize how naive I was.

When you realize your mistake and why you made that mistake, you learn from it, and that’s the end of it.

According to Krishnamurti, the conditioned, limited brain cannot be compassionate because compassion is beyond the brain. “Care and respect”, however, we are capable of, so feel free to chide me for not being as careful and respectful as you are.

But this is my point, or one of them. That others have to go through this experience. They start out reading someone like Paul and come to this conclusion, that he has got it, found something, etc. And then over time they realize he might not be what he appeared to be at the start.

I am saying this happens not only to us in this forum, but applies equally to any teacher/guru/writer we come across. Even Krishnamurti himself, there are some who felt that way at the beginning, thought he was the best teacher, and later saw that he wasnt and couldnt believe how naive they were to fall for him and read him for so many years and accept his ideas. I have met or come across a few like this over the years. They became disillusioned with K and left him behind.

So you’re not still wrapping your head around the mistake I made more than a decade ago…

Haha. You caught me, you are right. You can be witty and fun and quite insightful. I can be callous and cold too, and later realize that I made the same mistake as I am telling others to avoid. We are all human and all make mistakes. I am no exception. Thanks for reminding me, holding up the mirror for me to see myself and my flaws, limitations, hypocrisy, etc.

“The only thing I know for sure is that I can be mistaken”.

I am sorry I dont understand what you are trying to get across here. Can you spell it out a little clearer for me to better comprehend, what I am still not getting? Thanks for the clarification.

I looked up the meaning of the phrase “wrapping your head around” to make sure I was understanding its meaning, its usage, and it says: The idiom wrap one’s head around something means to understand something, especially something strange or out of the ordinary; to accept something that one does not particularly want to accept.

Well, sure, for me to feel there is a relationship between me and you I have to at least know you, and ‘knowing’ is a form of connection. Is that what you mean?

What you’re not getting is that you said something less than an hour ago that you seem to have no recollection of now, i.e., “I am still trying to wrap my head around how at one time Inquiry thought Paul was the successor to Krishnamurti and now has gone to the total other extreme and thinks the opposite”. and I’m referring to it.

Thank you, now I get it.

I usually dont have this problem about recollection. But in this one dialogue group I am in, I noticed most of them dont remember what we talked about last week, dont recollect if I bring it up and say something like “Last week this person said this or that…” And they all turn to me and say “We dont remember what was said” and it was only a week ago. But it seems, from what I picked up, is that many K people take K seriously when he says to end things, to finish with them and be done with them and not carry them forward. So they seem to die to their memories, not carry them forward to the next meeting. Me on the other hand, I carry my memories and want to remember what was discussed last time. I enjoy memory and have no desire to discard it.

But didn’t you just demonstrate the opposite? You were clueless as to what I was referring to, and had to ask me what you had no memory of.

As I wrote in the first sentence, “I usually dont have this problem about recollection.” It was not lack of memory, but more not paying attention or lack of awareness. The memory is there, I remember saying what I said, but awareness was lacking in my case.

When you’re inattentive and unaware, your memories are worse than worthless.

Yes, agreed. It actually is pitiful.

I am reminded of the story with K and the passengers in the car when they were talking about “awareness” and the driver hit and ran over a goat, and no one noticed except K. He pointed this out that here they were talking about awareness and not one person was aware of what just happened.

What can we learn from what k said? Are we more concerned with the descriptions rather than the actual experience that K spoke about?

Sorry to ask for clarification again, but honestly, even after reading this several times, I dont quite get it. I would think seeing them and hearing them live would help rather than limit. Can you clarify what you mean by "Its for people whose words dont adequately or honestly represent them? Thank you for any further clarification on this matter.

I can’t put it any simpler.

Hi there, I stumbled over this conversation and have some questions: Why do we always compare someone with K (which contradicts his saying)? What makes us so sure that he was right or said the truth (and then do something else like comparing)? How do we know what he meant with his words? Why is it so important to understand his words (and not us)? In a lot of his talks he often said, that he could be wrong and that the listeners should find out for themselves. Why don’t we start there and look at the problems we humans have to face in life (and there are a lot) and really explore? Best wishes, Erik

You are the mirror. But you are not showing me any facts; you are offering only opinions, impressions, reactions, which are all personal responses. There is nothing wrong with a personal response when it is honest and direct. Just say, ‘I don’t like you’ - it is far simpler.

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