I saw a video recently in which Krishnamurti said that meditation is “unpremeditated art”. I felt this is a beautiful way of expressing the nature of an activity which is intrinsically creative, spontaneous, uncontrived.
Meditation is unpremeditated art…
You can’t prepare for meditation. There is no system, no method. The system, the method is premeditated. Somebody has thought he has meditated, invented a system, and we follow that, hoping to get something. So one has to find out what it is - unpremeditated art, which is meditation…
First of all we can banish all the systems, all the methods, the postures, the breathing, forcing the mind, thought, to be controlled and so on, so on. The controller is the controlled. Right? Thought creates the controller and then the controller says, 'I must control thought in order to meditate’…
It is to deny everything that man has thought about meditation: about silence, about truth, about eternity, whether there is a timeless state and so on. To be free of other people’s knowledge completely, and that goes very, very far.
That is, to deny your gods, your sacred books, your tradition, your beliefs, everything wiped away because you understand they are the result of thought…
So when there is this absolute denial of all the psychological accumulation then the brain becomes very quiet. It hasn’t to be induced to be quiet.
Then illumination is not an experience. Illumination means to see things clearly as they are, and to go beyond them.
(Talk 6, Chennai, 1981)