
Do you think yourself out of living?

When thought is compulsive, incessant, reactive, and barely aware of itself, living is a matter of suffering this condition or exploiting it. Weā€™re all so accustomed to it that it never occurs to us that there is such a thing as silence until, for some reason, the brain is silent and one awakens to the fact that its ā€œnormalā€ condition is to be compulsively noisy, chattering, using thought to prevent silence. Then, one begins to wonder why silence is such a threat that it must be denied, prevented, upstaged by a constant distracting stream of sound.

The only way to find out is to be silent and see what happens, but you find that you canā€™t be silent; that the brain is so deeply conditioned to deprive itself of silence that itā€™s not enough to know that silence is necessary, essential. Something deeper than the fear of/desire for silence must awaken for the noise to end.

So is your response, Inquiry, a long winded way of saying, yes, you think yourself out of living?

If all you wanted was a yes or no answer, my answer is No, we donā€™t ā€œthink ourselves out of livingā€, as you put it. We live what we think is the life we should live because itā€™s all we know. If that isnā€™t living, how would you know?

If thought, which is the past, is the driver for how we live now, in the moment, are we always living, measuring the present in terms of the past? Always comparing? Must we be this way or are there other possibilities?

Yes, this is living for the conditioned brain.

Must we be this way or are there other possibilities?

We believe it is possible to live without limits, without self, etc., but believing/disbelieving is the way we live, so we honestly donā€™t know if there is any other way of livingā€¦we just have to believe there is because weā€™re miserable and believing mitigates our misery.

Personally speaking, Iā€™d be an absolute wreck if I didnā€™t know that Iā€™d be with Jesus after I died.

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Thus endeth the inquiry, Inquiry.

And the participation in this inquiry is to ā€˜what?ā€™ support your belief? question your belief? end your belief?

To inquire further. What else is there to do?

If thatā€™s where it ends for you, Bobā€¦

And the participation in this inquiry is to ā€˜what?ā€™ support your belief? question your belief? end your belief?

None of the above. I was responding to Inquiry.
Just a bit of humorā€¦I donā€™t believe in any of that stuff. Iā€™d be a ā€˜wreckā€™ though if I DID believe Iā€™d meet Him after I died!ā€¦ I mean what would you wear? :thinking:

Living is about smelling flowers directly, seeing beauty of nature. Words can never be replacement for that.

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So blind people and those who have lost their olfactory sense arenā€™t living?

We are alive but are we living in the ā€˜what isā€™ or in thought? Are we living a second hand life?

Weā€™ll be patientā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.::::

What I mean is that this forum for example is not life. Words are limiting and cannot replace life. They also donā€™t represent the actual world. Mental processes are not real life. Real life is to be lived directly. Walking in nature cannot be replaced by a documentary on nature on TV for example.

I must assume that you are speaking metaphorically - or maybe you are discriminating between different parts that we can point at?

Do you mean : words are not what they represent

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Yes, Adeen doesnā€™t seem to understand what a word is.

Its a signal, a symbol, a sound, that signifies or represents something actual. If words did not ā€œrepresent the actual worldā€ they would be useless, meaningless things that wouldnā€™t endure, and without their enduring utility one wouldnā€™t even be able to say that words donā€™t represent the actual world.

I thought that he meant that the word is not the thing. ā€œA rose by any other name would smell as sweetā€ we sometimes confuse the word for the actual thing. Like a walk in the woods is NOT a walk in the woods.