Why believe or disbelieve at all? What am I without belief? Am I not who/what I believe I am? Why don’t I question belief instead of defining myself by my beliefs?
Sorry - I was just sharing a thought that popped into my head - I’m as lost as the next guy regarding this thread.
I’ll just say that clarity of communication is not Wim’s main game (sorry Wim) - although some of his snappy one liners have been the most excellent zingers (though they might need rereading a few times)
Wimji, It appears lying is heavy in you heart-mind, like criminality is on Maheshji’s.
Lying is when people, like the ones i was mentioning in previous post (post is now deleted/moderated because it was educational for all parties concerned) , spout the words of others or the implicit meaning therein, without being honest that they aren’t the original author. Nor do they have the honesty, the integrity, or the gratitude to attribute what they are saying to the original authors. For example when someone parrots the words of K as if they are his/her own, say like you do, or when they present conclusive assertions, say like you do, when it is clear they don;t know what they are talking about. However, when someone prefaces something with a full disclosure that they are not the author, and a attribution such as "they say, you figure out the diffrence.
Now, figure out where you fall. Maybe the winman in your story deserves a rabid dog chasing him because he himself is one. You may include this plot twist.