
It has always seemed to me that this forum is not for those who believe they’ve solved the problem of belief, but for those who know they can’t stop believing and don’t know why. But now it occurs to me that those who can believe they have no beliefs are the best believers in the world, and we should feel honored by their presence because, what better way to learn about self-deception than to converse with those eager to display it? And for that matter, what other place is there for this particular brand of believers to celebrate their success?

Well you’re wrong. There are also those who don’t beleive they’ve solved the problem of belief but really solved it . This forum is not for any particular people, but for all, including for those who …

The rest of your post is just commiseration , about how the confusion of other make you feel good.


Are you saying that I feel good about the self-deception others practice because they’re doing it better than I am?

There are also those who don’t beleive they’ve solved the problem of belief but really solved it .

How do you know? Have you done it?

Do you see the irony of that question ? We are talking about belief . Whatever I would answer to that question, you will be left to beleive me or not beleive me. Do you personnaly beleive in anything ?

I believe in correcting misspellings

Haha!! Thanks for the correction (always hard time to write believe correctly) And for
ponctuation too, as I remember :slightly_smiling_face:. Well that is great for me, I am here to learn.

You leave the reader no choice but to believe or disbelieve what you say when you make a statement you can’t support with any evidence.

No, I don’t believe in “ponctuation”.

Oups another mistake ( it is rather punctuation ). Thanks.

To believe or not to believe are two identical things for me. Both are totaly irrational and unecessary and lead to self deception.

They’re irrational but not identical. When you say, “There are also those who don’t beleive they’ve solved the problem of belief but really solved it”, you make a statement that can only be believed or not. If you didn’t believe anything, you wouldn’t make such a statement.

If you didn’t believe anything, you wouldn’t be here pretending you’re beyond belief. You’d be a radically transformed human doing something meaningful instead of wasting time with those of who are honestly confused and conflicted and obsessed with K’s teaching. Unless, that is, you’re here to help us by demonstrating self-deception.

Well, thanks for your opinion. I will leave it at that.