Knowing how to read Krishnamurti is an art

Sorry I had the more devious meaning to ‘exploit’ in mind like conning, swindling, brain washing, tricking, cheating, propagandizing, proselytizing, etc.

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Exploitation, in and of itself, is not “wrong” unless it’s done badly. Thanks for the examples.

I forgot phishing and spamming. We’re so creative.

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Phishing and spamming are examples of exploiting a weakness or a deficiency, which is what we do when we hunt or trap animals. But even exploiting a weakness can be a good thing, the right thing to do under certain circumstances.

Morality is conditional - it can’t be codified.

Apparently no one knows how to read krishnamurti correctly . All we do in here is practice our English which has very little meaning.

There are so many self -amazed people in this forum that they think that they can export their ignorance to others. They think that most of us are stupid people who would take anything without proof. They think that they are the center of the universe! How self -centered they are!

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If images are being formed of you, that is not your ‘fault’ that is the fault of the image-makers. In your case it may be due to how your ‘English’ is being received. Some of the postings have tones of belligerence and superiority when that may not be your intention at all. The important thing as I see it is the awareness that an image has formed and to ‘wipe it’ away.

In this case isn’t “the important thing” to look at one’s postings to see if there are “tones of belligerence and superiority”? One who is belligerent and feels superior is only going to form images of those who suggest that he examine himself.

Some silly guy comes in krishnamurti forum and tells everybody to put aside the teachings and continue your mischievous way of life and most in here agree with him! It is like a first grader who claims that he knows everything and doesn’t need to go to any school! Everything that krishnamurti says is new but the old Brain cannot relate to something new therefore tries to ignore it for it’s convenient. The story of the two robbers is a good example that k spoke of.

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English is constantly evolving like any other language is .One doesn’t speak like the old cowboys anymore . When it comes to English everybody is a first grader as long as the words come from an illusion.

“Life is nothing more than an illusion. It’s like a poor actor who struts and worries for his hour on the stage and then is never heard from again. Life is a story told by an idiot, full of noise and emotional disturbance but devoid of meaning.”

William Shakespeare, [Macbeth]

Examiner, I’m afraid this is a grossly unfair mis-representation of what the other person said (on another thread). They said that life is too dynamic to be trapped in words or between the leaves of a book - which is what K himself has said a million times:

Truth has no path, and that is the beauty of truth, it is living. A dead thing has a path to it because it is static, but when you see that truth is something living, moving, which has no resting place, which is in no temple, mosque or church, which no religion, no teacher, no philosopher, nobody can lead you to - then you will also see that this living thing is what you actually are - your anger, your brutality, your violence, your despair, the agony and sorrow you live in. In the understanding of all this is the truth, and you can understand it only if you know how to look at those things in your life. (Freedom from the Known)

So the real, actual book K is pointing to is not his own books! - as though his words had merit in themselves - but the book of ourselves, the book that is you and me. And it is knowing how to read that book which is important (according to K):

You are that bookAnd it is an art to read that book. It is not printed by any publisher. It is not for sale. You can’t buy it in any book shop… So, to read this book, which is yourself, one must have the art of listening to what the book is saying. That is, to listen to it, which means to listen implies not to interpret what the book is saying. Just to observe it as you would observe a cloud. You can’t do anything about the cloud, nor the palm leaf swaying in the wind, nor the beauty of a sunset. You cannot alter it, you cannot argue with it, you cannot change it. It is so. So one must have the art of listening to what the book is saying. The book is you, so you can’t tell the book what it should reveal. It will reveal everything. So that must be the first art, to listen to the book… You are following not the speaker. You are following the book which is yourselfTo read that book there is nobody between you and the book - no philosopher, no priest, no guru, no god, nothing. You are the book and you are reading it. And so there must be freedom from that authority of another (Talk 2, Columbo, 1980)

“Freedom from the authority of another”, right? These are K’s own words. K has said that

The speaker is speaking for himself, not for anybody else. He⁠ may be deceiving himself, he may be trying to pretend to be⁠ something or other. He may be, you don’t know. So have a great⁠ deal of scepticism, doubt, question.⁠ (Saanen, July 25th, 1983)

This is all I believe the other person (who you have reacted to here) was saying.

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I was speaking in general. It happens a lot. Some silly guy tries to convince you that krishnmurti is dead so as his teachings. Krishnamurti is part of me so as my father is part of me even though they are both dead .

Those words coming from krishnamurti are first handed but if I tell you that you are the book then it is second handed and has no value. I wonder if anybody understands that?

You are the book, Examiner. Read it.

The question is CAN you read the book?

The question is can James read the book? Can examiner read the book?
Can vica read the book?
Can dan read the book?
Can …

Same goddamn book!


If you read the book as a reader then there is duality therefore wastage of energy.

The examiner is the examined of course. :slightly_smiling_face:

So learning to read the book of oneself is the whole purpose of K’s teachings - not to create a new religion or authority with.

Authority is how the old Brain thinks and looks at life. If you read k he says I am not your authority or guru. He must have said that a thousand times. But the old Brain is caught up in thought and comparison and can’t see beyond authority and comparison.

Is not narrowing down the vast teachings of Krisnamurti into mere awareness of the petty self a form of escape? We want to explain away the teachings while remaining petty.