I am not so sure about it.
Then why bring it up?
That’s the whole point of all this: why do we bring anything at all into this arena? It’s a valid question. Our answers are not so obviously or immediately valid.
You started this (and other threads) that just go round and round…and you accuse others of playing a game.
No, I am asking you what you are doing, why you are here, why you are offering comments. If you are playing a game, be aware of it. If not, what else is going on? Any motive to come here and contribute to this forum is part of a game, however pure and refined that motive may be.
Yes, and it seems to me you’ve been playing your “pure and unrefined game” for years.
You are missing altogether the question, which makes it very difficult to proceed.
And you are missing my question: why do you persist playing this game?
Sir, these things were discussed by some Buddhist scholars on YouTube and maybe our Jiddu might also be talked about it in a better way.
As far as I know, quietness will arise if there is tremendous awareness of the nature of our own thought dynamic, otherwise, we may end up in spiral thinking.
Forgive me, but it’s a lopsided question.
Are you sure? Or is this just a guess?
Sir, I said this statement after observing myself for a long period of time, which is almost two years of my life. I have to say that there are fewer situations(very less), in which I lost my coolness as I am a human being but most of the time my meditations worked for me. Recently, I have started compassion meditation (by Thupten Jinpa) and there, people are talking very similar to what Jiddu does but using different termninology. There also it is mentioned that quietness will start happening inside with awareness of what is what.
If there is any doubt please do ask questions, sir.
Is silence the result of effort? Does it come at the end of meditation or at the beginning? Because any attempt to quieten the mind has a great deal of noise built into it. Then what we are calling silence is merely the result of a reaction to noise; it is an end product.
I wonder if you see the difference.
Yes, sir silence is not the result of effort. While doing my meditation, I simply sit back and observe the theatre of my surrounding world inside my head and reflect on them, that’s it and this is not a difficult thing as per my feeling. Everyone can do such a thing, all they have to do is listen to the words of Jiddu and learn what he is actually talking about, instead of just remembering what he said.
Judging from your writing skill and questioning aspects, I see that you are a more experienced person than me . As I am not that much of an experienced person, I can say that what is working for me might not work for you, sir.
No, neither of us know what it means for the mind to be completely quiet. We are looking at this together for the first time only. Right?