Is K still relevant?

Nobody here just quotes K, though a lot do, and K quotes are necessary and helpful.

What we’re doing here is trying to understand what K meant by what he said, and that means inquiring, questioning, drawing no conclusions, because most of us wouldn’t be here if we thought we had a perfectly clear understanding…like Know-it-All Paul and others who come here to preach and teach their conclusions about K’s teaching.

Does reality tolerate do-overs?

That is reality: do-overs. Actuality is perhaps spotting that moment.

I knew there was something I liked about reality!

Yes, it’s also called ‘hiding’.

In the WHOLE everything is relevant and nothing at all is important…

Hide and Seek: my story. :wink:

The truth about all this is not a story. The truth about you or me or anyone else is not a story. The truth about K is not a story. So what is the truth? About anything. Because any one thing is related to everything else.

So, again, without putting it into words, what is the truth?

Indeed. ‘Ha!’ The question remains. Has any of this made any difference to our miserable lives?

The thing is ‘truth’ is a word. “What is the truth?” is a bunch. The question is self-negating, like asking: “Without referring to numbers, what is 1 + 2?” Maybe try a different way to ask?

There is no different way to ask. Without putting it into words, can you tell me who you are? Obviously not. Can you even show me who you are without words somehow getting in the way? I doubt it. Words dissemble the truth. The truth about you, me, K and everyone and everything else in the universe is not in words. The truth about existence cannot be put into words. Therefore we have to find a different approach if we are truly serious about exploring any of the things that make our lives so miserable.

We are neither connected nor separate. So what are we? What is the truth about what we are? Words are necessary to put together the question. After that, words are useless. The question is not self-negating. The question is negating everything which is not the question.

Along the lines of “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Only in our case, no kind of thinking may be what’s called for.

You’re still looking for answers though. You are not looking at the thing itself which makes you miserable.

Free and open exploration (without the bias/distortion of seeking answers) is hard to do when what is looked at triggers strong emotion, particularly strong painful emotion.

A strong emotion means one is not looking at the thing itself, that one is more interested in the effect the thing is having upon oneself. My wife has upset me or frightened me and I am responding to those feelings instead of looking at her. (This is my example but I am sure we each have our own.)

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If this is true, you’ll stop publishing your dissembling words in this forum.

Words are necessary to put together the question. After that, words are useless.

And, according to you, worse than useless because “words dissemble the truth”. Therefore, everything you post here that isn’t a question is dissembling.

It’s like the emotion hijacks the looking. When emotion peaks, it tends to beat everything else.

Is emotion hijacking the looking or is emotion hijacking the space that exists when we don’t look?

For example, when I go for a blood test I make a point of never looking as the needle enters the skin. Maybe if I looked the emotion around this whole experience would change.

I may be wrong. It’s best to ignore what I say.

In the meantime, your life remains miserable, doesn’t it? Arguing about the words isn’t going to change that. So what will?

Please repose the question, I don’t understand it.

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