Is K still relevant?

Well what is connection, and what isn’t it?

Say I feel connected to you, but you don’t feel connected to me. Is there a connection?

Say I loathe you, but feel an essential shared being with you. Is there a connection?

Say we feel connected, but are driven by images of each other. Is there a connection?

If someone could read your mind, know your thoughts, fears, desires, reactions; know you better than you know yourself, that someone is connected to you. But if you’re not as aware of your thoughts, fears, desires, reactions, as that someone, your self is too fragmented to be connected with its parts.

You can make of him whatever you want. What happens when you don’t make anything at all out of anyone else?

I am afraid of my family. I am afraid of myself. I am afraid of you. Talking about K’s teachings takes us away from that fear into a hypothetical land where we can attain at least the pretence of freedom. I don’t have any doubts about it.

There is no connection without separation. Two beings feel connected only because they first of all feel separate from one another. Connection is therefore a reaction to the separation. But what if neither state is a true state? And then comes the next question: what is the whole truth about the state of our existence?

What happens when you don’t make anything at all out of yourself? These seem to go together.

When I feel connected or separated, these feelings are true subjectively, I am in fact feeling them.

I am, we are.

So what brings you here to this hypothetical land for escapists? Don’t you have anything better to do with your miserable life?

Is that it? Is this the whole truth of the thing?

That’s what I am here to find out about. There must be something better than just throwing statements at it, don’t you think?

Who’s “throwing statements” at K’s teaching? All one can honestly state is that K said this or that, and ask what he meant by it.

Above my pay grade. Perhaps we live in a Rorschach inkblot?

Can it even be put into words? The pay grade is irrelevant. The answers are irrelevant. Only the question itself seems to be remotely relevant.

We are throwing statements at our own miserable lives. Sometimes we throw statements from K and sometimes we throw statements from others. Has this made any difference to our miserable lives?

What happens when the question “Is that all there is?” is received with open mind-heart but no attempt is made to respond?

Keep your opinions to yourself.

Instead of flagging this as inappropriate behaviour (because I’ve been away awhile - maybe its okay behaviour) - I’ll just ask : why is this behaviour okay? or : wouldn’t we just have to quote K and shut up?

It is an observation and a question not an opinion.

Too late - a response has already been made.
