K had an intimate relationship with a woman… Rosalind Rajagopal
No… ! [smh]
K had an intimate relationship with a woman… Rosalind Rajagopal
No… ! [smh]
Browsing through some threads, I just found this interesting one. I am curious Inquiry, how is it going, are you learning about Ks teachings as you wanted, understanding what he said, what he was trying to get across?
I also found it interesting, amusing that some on this very forum think they got it, when K clearly said no one got it.
Very insightful, perceptive, your comment about these few who got it, how they get together and form a certain group or intimacy amongst themselves, as do the unconvinced K aficionados.
How do you see this place now Ceklata? Have you found the intimacy you were looking for or is this place still lacking trust and caring and intimacy for you?
Can you say more Charley, about this intimacy that K had? I was really surprised that you brought this relationship up, that K had a intimate relationship with a woman?
I have heard biographers say that Krishnamurti was a normal human guy physically, biologically. So I dont know why some are surprised to find out that K himself had an intimate relationship with a woman. That is normal and I have more respect for K actually, knowing he was a normal human being like the rest of us.
It has gone well. Most of my questions about the map K drew of the territory have been answered, even though what the map represents is still more conceptual that actual.
Not to push you to share more, but this sounds interesting. The map represents more conceptual than actual? Arent all maps conceptual in nature? So I am trying to understand what you are trying to say here, but still not following exactly.
We are exchanging printed words, concepts, to convey actualities we are both familiar with, but K was using words to describe actualities unfamiliar and unknown to us.