
I’m nobody and good for nothing! (Finally, I can relax!)

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That might make a good T-shirt.


All words are from memory. Therefore it is impossible to describe the actuality of now, this present moment in which every living being exists. Any sense of unease belongs wholly to the past and not to the present. This is the stream which we are being invited to explore, a stream without content. To say it is an alien language or that it signifies nothing is to apply the same principles that brought about any feeling of unease: it is the known past imposing upon the unknown present. This imposition prevents our exploration of the thing itself because we are back into our old descriptions. To be aware of this instantly…

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Hello Anon. Thanks for the reply.

The quote above implies that your messages contain “bold, clear, undistorted language with an unwavering regard for the truth”, while the contributions of others seemingly do not. Have I got that right? Am I right in thinking that the bold lettering is meant to convey this?

Words and pictures tell a story or report on the moment. Do words and pictures have a slightly different root than the story and the moment?

Words or pictures could never totally describe the moment, any moment. To be in the living moment is to be one with it, of it. Thought or the past is what the conditioned brain brings into it: the ‘me’. The past obscures the present. The observer maintains the false division with what is observed.
The reflexive past habits of the brain keep it from fully participating in the living, moving moment.
Btw isn’t thinking also a ‘sense’ that can actively participate in the moment; (making sense of it?)

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This may sound like a challenging invitation. But it is only memory that is being challenged, triggered, outraged, frustrated, puzzled and all the rest of it. Memory wants to fit what is strange or unusual into its own preformulated, safe patterns. Memory is always seeking security through conformity. Once this is seen and put aside then we are in another field of inquiry, somewhere totally new. But the putting aside must be in the instant, not taking time over it, not weighing it or working it out, not trying to understand the significance of it and so on, because this new field of inquiry is making no demands whatsoever on the brain. The brain is not needed.

Sincerely and with all due respect, I think that before you tell someone else that he is attacking you, you should ask yourself deeply why you felt attacked. Since, as far as I know, no one has attacked you at any time. Unless, of course, you consider yourself so superior to everyone else that you consider that anyone who dares to question you does so only to attack you (which could then indicate that you might have a serious relationship problem with others).

I don’t think @Sean needs anyone to defend him. In fact, @Sean defended himself with a clear and serious question at the very end of his post, asking you something that you not only ignored, but dared to give him authoritative advice that, in my opinion, he never asked for.

Once again, I think you have a serious relationship problem, and you should probably seriously ask yourself why your brain considers anyone who dares to question you as aggressive and with the sole intention of attacking you.

Are you referring here to what your brain has written in response to my posting?

So, if you really think this, what are you waiting for to wipe away your memory to make your communication with others smoother, if I may ask?

Does this mean that even though you talk about it, you are not really aware of this interference in yourself and the problems it causes you in relation to other forum members? Or, on the contrary, is it that you consider yourself to be completely free of this interference and therefore give yourself the gift of giving advice to others on what they should do?

Your truth exists in the presence of your opinions, to fill a void in consciousness felt as the desire to be loved and to be taken into account. This is the game the brain plays when it places itself above others. But you already know this, don’t you?

Oh, then this forum gives you a tremendous opportunity to share the questions that your insecurities generate in you with the rest of the forum members, since I don’t think our questions are very different from yours. Unless, of course, you consider yourself to be totally free of insecurities, and you consider the rest of the forum members to be possessed by an ignorance from which you have already freed yourself.

I see, you don’t consider yourself part of the group of “people trying to express what is true for them”, do you?

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Yes, but for me, that “outside” you speak of would not refer to something external to “me” in the strict sense, such as other people, environment, etc., but to the “me” itself. That is to say: the duality of the human being between his inner wisdom and the thought that shapes the “me”. When one delves into the history of human spirituality, what continually arises is the need to destroy that duality so that only inner wisdom occupies all the space. In any case, and if you don’t mind, I would like to hear what you think about it.

How can a stream be anything but what it contains? Water streams, air streams, etc. If consciousness is its content, the brain’s stream of consciousness is the content of its memory. That content includes necessary knowledge and, unfortunately, psychological content, which is the problem because memory doesn’t stream when it is has no psychological content.

You talk about a stream that replaces the stream of the conditioned brain, but streaming is the problem - not the solution. There is no streaming when the brain’s content is coherent. There is just necessary memory activated when needed.

The brain doesn’t need a new stream. The brain needs to see what harm psychological content does as it streams confusion and conflict.

Hi @macdougdoug

Is this a quote?
If so, could you give me the exact reference?
Of course, even if you are the one who wrote it.

Your “invitation” is not a challenge - it’s an insult. Reason, logic, critical thinking is being reduced to nothing but memory. You are over-simplifying and I’m beginning to think you’re Paul Dimmock making another attempt to insult this forum with your presence.

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Nope - I try to give sources whenever quoting someone else - its just me reacting to what I was seeing on screen


Beautiful words then! Thanks for sharing!
Looking forward to more of your spontaneous insights!
Thank you! :pray:


I apologize for getting off topic, but this is the second time in a few weeks that I’ve seen this name mentioned by some forum members. Who is this famous Paul Dimmock, if I may ask? I’m intrigued.

“Infamous” is the word for Paul Dimmock. I could describe his insanity but you should see it for yourself…when it began and how it evolved as people reacted to him.

I encountered him on the KFA forum more that a decade ago, so you should contact them and find out if you can read any of his posts where he impersonated Krishnamurti.

Also, Hermann is familiar with him, and may still be a big fan.

The brain is not needed. Stick to this fact and find out what happens. It is not needed at all in our relationship and inquiry. All the brain can offer us is fragments of the past in the form of comparisons, measurements, arguments and counter arguments, suspicions, doubts, divisive opinions, contradictory thoughts and feelings, and questions galore. This is the content of the stream of human consciousness.

Awareness of this content at the very moment it arises is the beginning of another stream totally unlike anything we have ever known. Obviously. It is new. One has to live with this stream first before any words can be spoken about it. But see what happens: we hear about it and try to assimilate it through what we already know. Yet just to abandon the known is enough. Then you are in it, with it, not separate from it. It is the stream of the whole of life.

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Are you saying that awareness of things has some transformative properties?
If so, how so?
For example, if I notice that I am angry with someone, because they seem evil to me, where is the awareness ? where is the transformation?

Did you really need all this verbiage to simply tell us that you are still living in the realm of a fragmentary brain that continues to condition your life? What need did you have to hide behind empty grandiloquent words stolen from another to tell us that you are just another person lost in a lost world?

Solamente otra persona perdida, en un mundo perdido.
Buenas palabras tambien!